Course Description/Objectives
Paper Requirements
Course Policies

Number of credits earned for taking this course

What are 3


Where the textbook can be found for this course

What is in Brightspace


The type and size of font that can be used for papers for this course

What are Calibri or Times New Roman in font size of 12


The grade that you will receive for participation/attendance if you miss 6 classes

What is 0%


The number of absences that are permitted before it impacts your attendance/participation grade

What are 5


Number of course objectives

What are 10


The number of reflection papers due for this course

What are 5


The day and time that papers must be uploaded to Brightspace on their due date to receive full credit

What are Sunday evenings by 11:59 pm


The percentage of your grade that is based on your participation/attendance

What is 20%


The methods the instructor will use if class is cancelled due to unforeseen circumstances

What are an email to your USM email account and an announcement on Brightspace


Three course activities included in this course

What are assessments of self, assessments of interest, and explorations of academic life and career


Assignment that is due on October 20 at 11:59 pm

What is Reflection Paper #3, Values


Pronouns to be used in reflection papers

What are I, me, my, mine and myself (first person)


The deduction that papers will receive for late submission in Brightspace

What is one letter grade deduction for each day late


The way to view progress reports for this class

What is through the Navigate USM app


Things to frequently observe and reflect upon during this course

What are personal academic behaviors and those of others in the various shared academic environments


The reading assignments that must be completed by Sunday, September 8

What are Chapters 1, 2, 14, and Dear Student


Spacing, length, and margins for papers in this course

What are 3-4 double-spaced pages in length and a maximum of 1-inch margins


The grade you must receive in order to earn a B in this course

What is at least 83%


Three examples of academic integrity violations

What could be 1) cheating on an examination, 2) stealing the words or ideas of another (i.e., plagiarism), 3) making statements know to be false or misleading, 4) falsifying the results of one's research, 5) improperly using library materials or computer files, or 6) altering or forging academic records


Understandings that influence academic and career choices

What are diverse personality styles, preferences, and strengths


The date and time that the Take-Home Midterm exam is due

What is Sunday, November 10, by 11:59 pm


The grade that papers submitted over five days late will receive

What is 0%


The items and percentage that make up 100% of your grade in this course

What are class attendance/participation (20%), plagiarism (5%), reflection papers (25%), resume outline (5%), midterm (15%), final exploration presentation (15%), final paper (15%)


Four behaviors that could cause you to lose points for participation/attendance

What are 1) arriving to class after 2:00 pm, 2) being disruptive during class (i.e. talking while others are speaking, using a phone, listening to music), 3) stepping forward too much and not allowing others to add to the conversation, 4) having out or using a cell phone, headphones or other devices during class