What does FYI stand for?
For Youth Initiative
What are FYI's drop-in hours?
What ages does FYI provide services & supports for?
Name 1 trip, event, or program that FYI has hosted in the past
*staff to respond
What are the 2 ways in which you can access Tutoring Support's at FYI?
In-person & virtually (online)
How many core services does FYI offer across both sites?
4 (Settlement, Education, Employment, & Youth Justice)
How many volunteer hours do you need to graduate high-school?
What year did FYI open?
What does YEP stand for?
Youth Empowering Parents
Which service offers youth supports with academic planning & bursary applications?
Name 1 FYI staff from the presentation
*staff to respond
What 2 communities does FYI serve?
York South-Weston & Oakwood-Vaughan
What is the name of FYI's current employment program?
Newcomer Compass
How can one access Youth Justice Supports?
Name a current FYI program
*staff to respond
What are the 3 demographics of youth that FYI supports?
Black, racialized, & newcomer youth
What is the honorarium you receive from the Post-secondary Survival Guide Program?
Which service offers youth supports with navigation of social services (I.e., language supports) & status applications?
What is one of our addresses?
1652 Keele St., OR 504 Oakwood Ave.