whats my favorite color.
bonus whats my second favorite
metalic crimson,ultra marine blue
what was my favorite win
eagles 40 bears 0
pop quiz what is another term for a football
a pigskin
who is my best freind whos my second best
whats my favorite state
whos mr favorite artist
juice wrld
how many 1st places as in champion have i gotten
whats my favorite fooball team
who is my 3rd best friend
pop quiz what was the first offical US state
whats my 2nd favorite holiday.
mardi gras
what is my favorite win for alabama
the catch
what was my favorite shaia moment bonus what is my 2nd 3rd this is not a football question because there wasn't enough room in my favorites
1. when she slept with me 2. the other time she slept with me 3. when i got to catch with the wheel with her.
which friends brother do i help the most
which two states have a miami
who is my fourth favorite person during mardi gras
what was my biggest win
eagles 40 bears 0
whats in my opinion the best state to say
which friend did shaia lie about
what in my opinion is the funniest state
what is the name of my 3rd favorite mascot
bonus name my 2nd and 3rd
willie,big al, and blaze
what win did my friends blame the referees for the most on
jackets 19 irish 18
what is my favorite fbs football team
the jackrabbits
who is my current enemy hint its not marshall and hes not in my grade
whats my second favorite state