Jeg er træt
I am tired
I don´t like to play soccer
jeg kan ikke lide at spille fodbold
How old is Nadia?
44 years
How many students are in G2?
What di elves learn in school?
The elf-abet
Jeg elsker kaffe
I love coffee
I love to play badminton
jeg elsker at spille badminton
Does Nadia drink coffee?
How many teachers are in G2?
Why do most fish live in salt water?
Because pepper would make them sneeze
har du en hund?
do you have a dog?
we are not allowed to play digisnack
vi må ikke spille digisnack
What is the name of Nadias boyfriend?
Do we have gym-class i g2?
What do boats do when they are sick?
They go to the doc
kan du lide pizza?
do you like pizza?
they spend too much time on tiktok
de bruger for meget tid på tiktok
How many kids does Nadia have?
What was G2 called before?
what´s a pirate´s favorite letter?
hvad er klokken?
What time is it?
Josefine got bit by a horse
Josefine blev bidt af en hest
What is Nadia´s favorite country?
How many tables are there in the classroom
How do bees go to school?
They take the school buzzzzz