"add me back pimp"
annabelles brother
what tattoos do i have?
sun and a star thing??
we would blast this all the time in the jeep last year, we all know all the words
love -keyshia cole
threw up all over the wall and in shoe
"he got weird after his buzz"
what is our friendship anniversary?
september 27th
another banger, one of my top songs last year
sent a video of herself drinking to her mom by accident and tried to cover it up by saying she was peeing
"dont get too close to me, im drunk, i might kiss you"
litty song that describesus perfectly, recently discovered this song is in a movie we recently watched
young, wild, and free
"watch out class of 2028"
very summer song, country
tennessee whiskey
"hey ___ ive been meaning to apologize but ive been busy i didnt mean to make you think i led you on i never liked ___ people only thought that i did because they were trying to set me up so im sorry if i hurt your feelings that was not my intentions i liked hanging out with you last night maybe we could something again if you are down"
from a movie, also a summer song
love me like you do