Question Types
True or False
Writing Strategies
Find the Best Evidence

What question type is this: Which lines best show the central idea of the story?

What are central idea questions?


While playing football with his friends, Kyle overthrew the ball and accidently broke his mom’s picture window. Nobody was home, but all of the other boys soon found excuses to leave. When Kyle's mom came home, she asked what had happened. Kyle looked her in the face and said, “A bird smashed into the window, Mom.”

Kyle is dishonest.


A short response question can be two sentences long.



What does the acronym RACES stand for?

R - Restate

A - Answer

C - Cite evidence 

E - Explain evidence

S - Sum it up 


Pick 2 pieces of evidence showing how animals adapt to survive in extreme environments.

In the harsh Arctic, animals must develop special adaptations to survive. The Arctic fox, for example, has thick fur that changes color with the seasons—white in winter to blend with the snow and brown in summer to match the tundra. This helps it avoid predators and sneak up on prey. Another example is the caribou, which has hooves that change based on the season. In the summer, the hooves are soft and provide grip on wet ground, while in winter, they harden to help dig through the snow for food.

Some animals adapt by changing their behavior rather than their bodies. The emperor penguin, which lives in Antarctica, huddles in large groups to share body heat. By rotating positions, all penguins get a chance to stay warm. Similarly, many animals hibernate or migrate to escape extreme weather. Bears, for example, sleep through the winter to conserve energy when food is scarce. Monarch butterflies, on the other hand, travel thousands of miles to find warmer climates.

These adaptations help animals survive in their environments. Without them, many species would struggle to find food, stay warm, or avoid predators. Nature has given each species unique tools to thrive, whether through physical changes or learned behaviors.


"The Arctic fox, for example, has thick fur that changes color with the seasons—white in winter to blend with the snow and brown in summer to match the tundra."

"In the summer, the hooves are soft and provide grip on wet ground, while in winter, they harden to help dig through the snow for food."

"The emperor penguin, which lives in Antarctica, huddles in large groups to share body heat. By rotating positions, all penguins get a chance to stay warm."

"Similarly, many animals hibernate or migrate to escape extreme weather. Bears, for example, sleep through the winter to conserve energy when food is scarce. Monarch butterflies, on the other hand, travel thousands of miles to find warmer climates."


These questions ask you to find specific sentences or quotes from the story that best answer a question or show an important idea.

What is finding the best details?


Tim was walking around the store when he bumped into a display of soup cans, knocking them all over. Tim bought two cartons of eggs then got hit by the automatic door on the way out. It almost broke the eggs. Tim let out a sigh of relief. While walking through the parking lot, Tim tripped over the curb and landed on the eggs, getting them all over his shirt.

Tim is clumsy.


You ALWAYS need to restate the question in a short-response question.



How can you find details from the text in your short response?

By going directly back into the text and copying down a quote.


Question: Choose 2 details that show how Chocolate has evolved over time.

Chocolate has been enjoyed for thousands of years, but it was not always the sweet treat we know today. The first people to use cacao were the Maya and Aztec civilizations in Central America. They made a bitter drink from crushed cacao beans mixed with water and spices. This drink was believed to have special powers and was often used in ceremonies.

When Spanish explorers arrived in the 1500s, they brought cacao beans back to Europe. Over time, sugar and milk were added, turning chocolate into the sweeter version people enjoy today. In the 1800s, new inventions made it possible to produce solid chocolate bars, leading to the creation of many popular chocolate brands. Today, chocolate is a favorite treat worldwide, used in desserts, drinks, and even health products.

Chocolate has changed significantly over time, from a bitter drink to a sweet indulgence. It continues to be enjoyed in many forms, making it one of the world’s most beloved foods.

"When Spanish explorers arrived in the 1500s, they brought cacao beans back to Europe."

"Over time, sugar and milk were added, turning chocolate into the sweeter version people enjoy today."

"In the 1800s, new inventions made it possible to produce solid chocolate bars, leading to the creation of many popular chocolate brands."


Questions that ask about the lesson of the story, often involving topics like friendship, bravery, or kindness.

What are theme questions?


Anna volunteered to help Kylie clean her house.  When Anna washed the mirrors, Kylie asked her if she used paper towels instead of newspapers.  When Anna admitted that she had, Kylie asked her to redo them.  Then, while Anna was sweeping, Kylie corrected her on her technique.  "Don't just push the dirt around, Anna.  SWEEP it," Kylie told Anna.  

Kylie is unappreciative and bossy.

All the stories on the State Test will be fiction.

FALSE there will be a mix of fiction and non-fiction


How would you restate the question:

Why is Thomas “swelling like a blowfish” in paragraph 39? Use two details from the story to support your response.

Thomas is "swelling like a blowfish" in paragraph 39 because....


Question: Which 2 details show that bees are essential to the environment?

Bees play a crucial role in nature. They are responsible for pollinating many of the plants we rely on for food, such as fruits, vegetables, and nuts. Without bees, many plants would not be able to produce the foods we eat every day. Bees transfer pollen from one flower to another, allowing plants to grow and reproduce.

In addition to helping plants grow, bees produce honey, which has been used by humans for thousands of years as a natural sweetener and medicine. Beekeepers around the world work hard to protect bee populations and harvest honey in a way that keeps the bees safe.

However, bee populations are declining due to habitat loss, pesticides, and climate change. Many scientists and farmers are working together to create safer environments for bees, such as planting more flowers and reducing the use of harmful chemicals.

Without bees, the balance of nature would be disrupted, and food supplies could suffer. Protecting bees is essential for both the environment and human survival.

"They are responsible for pollinating many of the plants we rely on for food, such as fruits, vegetables, and nuts."

"Without bees, many plants would not be able to produce the foods we eat every day."

"Bees transfer pollen from one flower to another, allowing plants to grow and reproduce."

"bees produce honey, which has been used by humans for thousands of years as a natural sweetener and medicine."


Questions that ask you to find the main point or idea of the story, what the author wants to communicate, or which details are most important for summarizing.

What are Central Idea, Claims, and Summary Questions?


Jonathan invited a bunch of friends over to his house.  He then talked to them for hours about all the trophies that he had won, his rare comic book collection, and how much money his dad makes. His friends did not enjoy their time at Jonathan's.

Jonathan is a show off. 


A detail from the text is the same thing as a quote from the text.


When a short-response question asks for "two details from the text" we have to include two quotes from the text as our evidence. 


How would you restate the question:

How does Thomas feel at the beginning of the story? Use two details from the text to support your answer. 

Thomas feels __________ at the beginning of he story 

Question: Which 2 details show how the invention of the telephone change communication?

Before the invention of the telephone, communication over long distances was slow and difficult. People relied on letters, which could take days or weeks to arrive. In 1876, Alexander Graham Bell changed the world by inventing the first practical telephone. His device allowed people to talk to each other instantly, no matter how far apart they were.

Bell’s invention was met with excitement and skepticism. Some people doubted that his telephone would be useful, while others immediately saw its potential. Over time, the telephone became an essential tool for communication, leading to the creation of modern smartphones.

Today, phones connect people across the world, making communication faster and easier than ever before. Bell’s invention continues to shape the way we interact with one another.

"Before the invention of the telephone, communication over long distances was slow and difficult. People relied on letters, which could take days or weeks to arrive."

"His device allowed people to talk to each other instantly, no matter how far apart they were."

"Today, phones connect people across the world, making communication faster and easier than ever before."


Which question type: How does line/paragraph... connect to paragraph... in the story?'

What are Organization Questions?


The teacher asked Khadija what the answer was to the problem on the board.  Khadija wore a worried expression on her face for a moment and then put her head down on her desk.  After the teacher moved on to someone else, Khadija whispered to her friend that the answer was 26.  Khadija was right.

Khadija is not confident in herself. 


This response would recieve full-credit on the state test:

Question: In “Excerpt from The Sensory System: Why Am I Ticklish?,” what is a central idea of the first two paragraphs? Use two details from the passage to support your response.

Answer: A central idea from the first two paragraphs of “Excerpt from The Sensory System: Why Am I Ticklish?” is how your five senses work with different parts of your body. These paragraphs explain the sensory system: “You have five main senses. They are seeing, hearing, tasting, smelling, and touch.” These senses send signals to your brain from your body, “Your sensory system is made of the parts of your body that help you to understand the world around you.” The eyes, ears, nose, and tongue must work together to send and receive messages to and from the brain so you will know what is happening.


It restates the questions, answers the questions, uses two pieces of evidence, and explains each piece of evidence!


How would you start your response to this question:

As she waits her turn, how does Taylor feel about jumping off the diving board? Use two details from the story to support your answer.

As she waits her turn, Taylor feels ____________ about jumping off her diving board


Question: Which 2 details shows why deep ocean exploration is important?

Despite covering more than 70% of the Earth’s surface, the deep ocean remains one of the least explored places on the planet. Scientists estimate that over 80% of the ocean remains unmapped and unobserved. The deep sea is a world of extreme conditions—freezing temperatures, crushing pressure, and total darkness. Yet, life thrives in this hostile environment.

One of the most fascinating discoveries in the deep ocean is hydrothermal vents. These underwater geysers release scalding hot, mineral-rich water from the ocean floor. Incredibly, entire ecosystems exist around these vents. Microorganisms use the chemicals in the water to create energy through a process called chemosynthesis. Larger creatures, such as giant tube worms and bizarre deep-sea fish, rely on these tiny organisms for survival.

However, the deep ocean is not immune to human impact. Pollution, deep-sea mining, and climate change threaten these delicate ecosystems. Scientists are racing to explore and understand the deep sea before it is altered beyond recognition. Advanced technologies, such as remotely operated vehicles (ROVs) and deep-sea submarines, are helping researchers uncover new species and mysteries hidden beneath the waves.

The deep ocean holds clues to Earth’s past and may even offer insights into life on other planets. It helps scientists discover new species, understand Earth’s history, and develop new medical and technological innovations. Some deep-sea organisms have unique chemical compounds that could lead to life-saving medicines. Studying the deep sea also provides insights into climate change and how ocean currents affect global weather patterns. By continuing to explore this final frontier, scientists hope to unlock its secrets and protect its fragile inhabitants.

"The deep ocean holds clues to Earth’s past and may even offer insights into life on other planets."

"It helps scientists discover new species, understand Earth’s history, and develop new medical and technological innovations."

"Some deep-sea organisms have unique chemical compounds that could lead to life-saving medicines."

"Studying the deep sea also provides insights into climate change and how ocean currents affect global weather patterns."