Sleep & Sugar
Exercise & Muscles
Gratitude & Emotions
Stretch & Goal Setting

Playing computer games is a good healthy sleeping habit?

True or False



What is one effect of regular physical activity on your body?

A) It can make your energy go up.

B) It decreases your focus on homework.

C) It makes you more likely to get sick.

D) It makes you more tired all day.

A) It can make your energy go up.


I can't do this ... and ... I can do this are examples of?

A) Fixed Mindset and Baby Mindset

B) Fixed Mindset and Green Mindset

C) Fixed Mindset and Growth Mindset

D) NONE of the above

C) Fixed Mindset and Growth Mindset


What are positive emotions?

a. Emotions that make us feel angry and sad

b. Emotions that help us approach new situations

c. Emotions that put us in 'green' brain mode

Pick TWO answers. 

b. Emotions that help us approach new situations

c. Emotions that put us in 'green' brain mode


What's a sign you are in a healthy Stretch zone?

A. You are completely comfortable and relaxed.

B. You feel a bit challenged and are learning new skills.

C. You are easy to cry because its too hard. 

D. You are ready to give up and quit.

B. You feel a bit challenged and are learning new skills.


What is one benefit of getting a full night's sleep?

A) You can concentrate better in class

B) You feel sleepy throughout the day

C) You become more irritable

D) You have less energy for activities

A) You can concentrate better in class


Can you do MORE or LESS than when you were 2 years old? 

MORE (because our bodies and brains grow!)


What happens to your brain when you are physically active?

A) It helps your brain grow and work better.

B) It makes you forget things.

C) It decreases brain function.

D) It has no effect on brain health.

A) It helps your brain grow and work better.


What are negative emotions?

a. Emotions that feel bad when we experience them.

b. Emotions that make us feel calm and happy.

c. Emotions that put us in 'red' brain mode.

Pick TWO answers.

a. Emotions that feel bad when we experience them.

c. Emotions that put us in 'red' brain mode.


What makes a goal effective?

A) It is vague and not specific.

B) It is detailed and has a clear plan for achievement.

C) It changes frequently.

D) It does not have any deadlines.

B) It is detailed and has a clear plan for achievement.


Taking a warm bath is a good, healthy pre-bed time routine.

True or False



What would be the BEST title for this cartoon? 

A) Exercise and my body

B) My Brain is like a Muscle

C) The Skill of Gratitude

B) My Brain is like a Muscle


I don't like doing things that are difficult could be changed to ...

A) Don't say it's hard, until you give up.

B) Don't say it's hard, just try it.

C) Don't say its easy, just do it. 

B) Don't say it's hard, just try it.


How can practicing gratitude affect your interactions with others?

A) It can make you more critical and negative.

B) It has no effect on how you interact with others.

C) It can make you avoid social interactions.

D) It can make you more appreciative and kind.

D) It can make you more appreciative and kind.


Why is it beneficial to experience some discomfort?

A) It helps you avoid growth and learning.

B) It allows you to develop the strength to continue and improve skills.

C) It makes everything easier and less challenging.

D) It stops you from trying new things.

B) It allows you to develop the strength to continue and improve skills.


Which of these is the healthiest choice for a snack?

A) A candy bar

B) A soda

C) An apple

D) A chocolate chip cookie

C) An apple


How can you keep your brain healthy and strong?

A) By solving puzzles and learning new things

B) By watching TV for long periods

C) By avoiding new experiences

D) By only doing easy tasks

A) By solving puzzles and learning new things


How should you respond to a difficult problem?

A) Give up immediately!

B) Try different strategies and keep practicing!

C) Ignore it and do something easier!

D) Wait for someone to solve it for you!

B) Try different strategies and keep practicing!


How do feelings and emotions spread?

a. We copy and mimic other people's facial expressions

b. They spread in the air

c. We copy and mimic other people's body language

Pick TWO answers. 

a. We copy and mimic other people's facial expressions

c. We copy and mimic other people's body language


1. Why is it important to stay physically active as you grow?

Write a sentence on the Whiteboard. 



What has more sugar, an apple or a glass of milk?

an apple


Which should be higher? Resting heart rate or Active heart rate.

Active Heart Rate





What is another word for empathy?

A. understanding others thoughts

B. understanding others feelings

B. understanding others feelings


How can recognizing things you are grateful for improve your overall outlook on life?

Write your answer on the Whiteboard. 
