What is the simple subject and verb? Is there a predicate noun or adjective?
Lincoln's brother plays the trumphet.
Simple subject = brother
Verb = plays
What is the simple subject and correct linking verb?
Mrs. Smith (is, are) my teacher.
Simple subject = Mrs. Smith
linking verb = is
What is the simple subject and the link verb? Is there a predicate noun or adjective?
The musicians look at the conductor before the song begins.
Simple subject = musicians
verb = look
What is the simple subject and verb? Is there a predicate noun and adjective?
The music sounds exciting to Lincoln?
Simple subject = music
verb = sounds
predicate adjective = exciting
Spell the correct form of the linking verb be.
The classroom ________ quiet in the afternoon. Past
What is the subject and the verb? Is there a predicate noun or adjective?
Mr. Parker is the conductor of the band.
Simple subject = Mr. Parker
Verb = is
Predict noun = conductor
What is the simple subject and the correct linking verb?
Today you (was, were) a visitor in my classroom.
Linking verb = were
What is the simple subject and the correct linking verb?
My classmates (is, are) friendly.
Simple subjects = classmates
Linking verb = are
Spell the correct form of the linking verb be.
The students __________ diligent about their work. Past
Write the correct form of the linking verb be.
Students and teachers ________ interested in learning new things. present
What is the simple subject and correct linking verb?
I (am, is) a student at Creekside Elementary School.
Simple subject = I
Linking Verb = am
What words form a contraction? Spell the contraction.
The game was not over until late in the evening.
was not = wasn't
What are the words that can form a contraction? Spell the contraction.
The players will not stay long after the game.
Will not = wont
What are the words that can from a contraction? Spell the contraction.
We will stay after the game to clean up the trash.
We will = We'll
What is the correct from of the linking verb be.
You _____ welcome to borrow a book from the classroom library. present
What are the words the can form a contraction? Spell them as a contraction.
Here's my pencil.
Here's = here is
What is the correct verb?
Victoria (sat, set) the baby down on the blanket.
What is the correct verb?
She (lay, lie) down for a nap.
What is the correct verb?
The sun has (risen, raised) over beautiful mountains.
What is the correct verb?
Sarah (may, can) reach the top shelf.
What is the correct verb?
The children (sat, set) in the grass.
What is the correct verb?
(May, Can) I borrow your ectra pencil for class.
What is the correct verb?
My uncle (learned, taught) me a new game.
What is the direct object?
My sister watches the cheerleaders.
What is the direct object?
Our team won the game!