Unit 1
Unit 2
Unit 3
Unit 4+ Unit 5
Unit 6
classroom, blackboard, teacher's desk, floor, wall, window, picture, light, door, computer, chair, desk
schoolbag, maths book, Chinese book, English book, stroybook, notebook, pen, pencil, pencil box, key, candy.
tall, strong, fat, thin, quiet, friendly, short
bedroom, bathroom, study, living room, kitchen, bed, phone, table, sofa, fridge beef, chicken, noodles, soup, milk, rice, juice, vegetable, bread, fish chopsticks, fork, knife, spoon, bowl
father, mother, parents, grandma, grandpa, aunt, uncle, brother, sister, baby brother, cousin doctor, nurse, farmer, driver, cook, football player
听英语选出你所听到的单词或词组,每题听两遍。 1. A. window B. wall C. water D. what 2. A. floor B. door C. wow D. now 3. A. Turn on the light. B. Put up the picture. C. Clean the blackboard. D. Let me help you.
1. D. What is in your classroom? 2. B. Close the door, please. 3. C. -Would you please clean the blackboard? -Sure! D B C
听英语选出你所听到的单词或词组,每题听两遍。 1. A. maths book B. English book C. Chinese books D. storybook 2. A. keys B. candies C. candy D. toy 3. A. colour B. candy C. Chinese D. cook
1. I have 3 Chinese books in my school bag. 2. -How many candies do you have? -I have 4. 3. -What colour is it? -It's blue and white. C B A
听英语选出你所听到的单词或词组,每题听两遍。 1. A. strong B. shoe C. short D. sorry 2. A. friendly B. friend C. fan D. fridge 3. A. long hair B. short hair C. brown shoes D. red glasses
1. My friend Jimmy is very strong. 2. I have a new friend, she is very quiet. 3. Sarah has very long hair and white shoes. A B A
听英语选出你所听到的单词或词组,每题听两遍。 1. A. bedroom B. bathroom C. living room D. study 2. A. phone B. chicken C. table D. kitchen 3. A. beef B. noodles C. soup D. knife 4. A. chopsticks B. spoon C.vegetable D. bowl 5. A. fridge B. sofa C. help D. pass
1. Is the cat in the bathroom? 2. The chicken is in the fridge. 3. Would you like some soup? 4. I can use chopsticks. 5. Pass me the spoon, please. B B C A D
听英语选出你所听到的单词或词组,每题听两遍。 1. A. parents B. people C. person D. please 2. A. family B. farmer C. father D. mother 3. A. uncle B. aunt C. cousin D. puppy 4. A. football player B. driver C. nurse D. job
1. How many people are there in your family? 2. This is my father, he's a doctor. 3. My cousin is a cook. 4. What's your aunt's job?
请朗读下列单词,记住phonics发音哦! 1. make, fake, name 2. nice, mice ,rice 3. pope, rope, note 4. cute, use, muse
-a-e -i-e -o-e -u-e
1.请说出你学过的四个表示方位的单词以及它们的意思。 2.请说出你知道的颜色和它们的意思。
in 在……里面 on 在……上面 under 在……下面 near 在……附近 red红色, green绿色, blue蓝色, yellow黄颜色, black黑色, brown棕褐色, white白色
1. Who表示___ ? 2. 有的两种说法: I/You ___. He/She/It ___. 3. 又高又壮
1. Who表示 :谁 2. 有的两种说法: I/You have He/She/It has 3. tall and strong
想要用英语怎么说? 你晚餐想要什么怎么说? 我想要牛肉怎么说?
would like What would you like for dinner? I'd lilke beef.
妈妈的,爸爸的,老师的,叔叔的,阿姨的用英语怎么说? 妈妈的工作用英语怎么说?
mother's, father's, teacher's, uncle's, aunt's mother's job
1. What问的是:什么 2. Where问的是:哪里 3. be动词包含am, is, are 4. 我们学过的Pronoun有: I, you, he/she/it(we/they) 这些Pronoun和be动词的搭配为? I am, You're(You are), is连着he/she/it
1. What问的是____? 2. Where问的是____? 3. be动词包含___, ____, ____. 4. 我们学过的Pronoun有___, ____, __/__/__. 这些Pronoun和be动词的搭配为?
填空。 1. The ___ (钥匙复数) are ____ the desk (在桌子上面). 2. The ___ ___ (语文书) is ____ the English book (在英语书下面). 3. -___ (哪里) is the ____ (玩具)? - It's ____ the schoolbag (在书包附近).
1. keys, on 2. Chinese book, under 3. Where, toy, near
朗读下面的句子并翻译。 1. Beth is my friend, she's tall and thin. 2. Ross has short hair and brown shoes. 3. Jemma has blue glasses.
1. Beth是我的朋友,她又高又瘦。 2. Ross有短头发和棕色的鞋子。 3. Jemma有蓝色的眼镜。
把下列句子变成一般疑问句,并作出肯定和否定回答。 1. She is in the study. 2. The phone is on the table. 3. They are on the sofa. 4. I'd like milk and bread.
1. Is she in the study? Yes, she is. No, she isn't. 2. Is the phone on the table? Yes, it is. No, it isn't. 3. Are they on the sofa? Yes, they are. No, they aren't. 4. Would you like milk and bread. Yes, pleas. No, thanks.
翻译。 1. He's a driver. 2. She's a nurse. 3. My father's is a farmer. 4. My uncle is a nurse.
1. 他是一个司机。 2. 她是一个护士。 3. 我爸爸是一个农民。 4. 我叔叔是一名护士。
请翻译以下句子: 1. 教室里面有什么? 2. 窗户在哪里? 3. 它在墙里面。
1. What's in the classroom? 2. Where is the window? 3. It's in the wall.
翻译句子。 1. 我有一本英语书, 两本数学书,三本故事书和一个玩具。 2. 她有三把钥匙和一个笔记本。 3. Barry有一个红色的书包。
1. I have an English book, two maths books, three storybooks and a toy. 2. She has three keys and a notebook。 3. Barry has a red schoolbag.
翻译。 1. 我有长头发。 2. 你有蓝色的书包。 3. 他是又高又胖,既安静又友好。
1. I have long hair. 2. You have blue school bag. 3. He is tall and fat, quiet and friendly.
翻译。 1. 她在哪? 她在客厅。 2. 他在书房吗? 不,他不在。 3. 你晚餐想要什么? 我想要米饭和牛肉。 4. 请递给我刀和叉。
1. Where is she? She's in the living room. 2. Is he in the study? No, he isn't. 3. What would you like for dinner? I'd like rice and beef. 4. Pass me the knife and fork, please.
翻译。 1. 你爸爸的工作是什么? 2. 他是一名医生。 3. 我的妈妈, 你的爸爸, 我的父母
1. What's your father's job? 2. He's a doctor. 3. my mother, your father, my parents