Where does the pilot crash his plane?
desert/Sahara desert
The __________Prince
Which character asks TLP to "tame" him?
The Fox
Give an example of a simile.
"But you have hair that is the colour of gold. Think how wonderful that will be when you have tamed me! The grain, which is also golden, will bring me back the thought of you. And I shall love to listen to the wind in the wheat."
The Fox
TLP must always cut down ___________ so they do not destroy his planet.
baobab trees
The narrator of the story is a ____________.
Which character is "able to command people to do only what they already would do"?
The King
Give an example of a metaphor.
“'You're not at all like my rose."
The Little Prince
name three people TLP meets on other planets. (not Earth)
TLP's best friend on his own planet.
Which character reads everything he can about other planets, but thinks going to visit them is a job only for "explorers"?
The Geographer
"The sun smiled down at us as we walked in the park" is an example of __________________.
“Whomever I touch, I send back to the earth from whence he came."
The Snake
What type of garden does TLP find that makes him sad?
a rose garden
He wants to own all the stars.
The ____________Switchman agrees with the TLP that only children enjoy the ride.
The Rose in the book is a _____________ for those people and things in life that have meaning because we choose to care for them.
"Then I wouldn’t talk about boa constrictors or jungles or stars. I would put myself on his level and talk about bridge and golf and politics and neckties. And my grown-up was glad to know such a reasonable person."
The narrator / The pilot
How does TLP return back to his planet?
By being bit by the snake.
The first character TLP meets on Earth.
Which character wants to be loved and admired by everyone, yet he lives alone on his planet?
The Vain Man / The Conceited Man
"The fat man walked slowly through the airport. His head was hanging low and his were still wet with tears." This is an example of an author using ________________.
“That doesn't do me much good,' said the __________. "The one thing I love in life is to sleep.”
(This is one of the only characters that TLP admires or likes)