The One who is the source of all truth.
The Lost Sheep teaches that
God loves sinners.
The Net
In water, the good and the bad live together until the end of the world
What is Scripture?
the Bible; the Word of God
What is doctrine?
articles of belief the Catholics Church teaches
The people first taught by Jesus, who were commissioned by him to teach the Good News.
The Persistent Friend teaches that when God doesn't answer our prayers right away, we should
keep praying.
The Weeds
On earth, the good and the bad live together until the end of the world
What is Tradition?
the message of Jesus that was handed on through the spoken words and example of the apostles and through the Catholic Church
What is the Magisterium?
the teaching authority of the Church
The way we come to know the teachings of Jesus
Scripture, Tradition, and the teachings of the Church
The Pearl of Great Price teaches that
the Kingdom of God brings happiness.
The Parable of the Unforgiving Servant
Because God has forgiven us everything, we ought to forgive one another
Which came first: Scripture or Tradition?
Who is primarily responsible for official Catholic teachings in the Church?
the Pope and bishops
A belief the church holds and teaches
The Wedding Feast teaches us
the Kingdom of God is open to everyone.
The Rich Fool
Jesus gives a lesson on using material possessions. Jesus restates the commandment do not covet
What is dogma?
a truth revealed by God that is officially defined by the Church as an article of faith for Catholics
Why is our understanding of some truths Jesus taught different from that of the early church?
The Holy Spirit has guided us to a deeper understanding of truths.
A truth revealed by God that the Church has officially defined as an article of faith
The Sower
listen to God's word and to act on it
The Parable of the Talents
God expects us to use and develop the gifts he has given us.
Are all doctrines dogma?
What does The Persistent Friend mean?
Keep praying to God, and your prayers will be answered.