_ is when you tell your sins to the priest. You can also ask questions at the time.
In this Rite see a priest and they are normally face to face.
Individual Reconciliation
Who can receive this sacrament?
People who are seriously ill, having surgery, or in danger of death.
The first step in recognizing "sin".
It is "wrong".
True sorrow for failing to love.
The rite when a dying person receives Holy Communion.
In this Rite people sings, prays, and listens to the scripture readings then goes to a priest individually
Communal Reconciliation
T/F This sacrament can be repeated. Justify
The second step in recognizing sin.
The person knows it is "wrong".
Venial Sin
This is when the priest gives you a pardon for your sins.
God acts through the priest.
Persona Christi
Where can this sacrament take place? Name three.
Home, Hospital, Church
The third step in committing a sin.
The person freely chooses to do the "wrong" thing anyway.
Reconciliation and Anointing of the Sick
an act or a set of actions done out of repentance for sins committed
What prayer do we need to say to God?
Act of Contrition
T/F A deacon can administer this Sacrament. Justify.
False (Bishop and Priest)
Damages our relationship with God and others
Venial Sin
What do we receive in reconciliation?
(all the sacraments)
Grace to change and follow Jesus.
turning away from sin, and asking for forgiveness
In this Rite the priest absolves the penitents together. Needs permission from the Bishop.
general absolutions (still need to go to Reconciliation)
What other sacraments can be received?
Reconciliation and Eucharist
Breaks our relationship with God and others
Mortal Sin
Forgiven in the Sacrament of Reconciliation.
All sin