Leaves deciduous in autumn, 5 to 9 inches
long, 2 to 4 inches wide, deeply divided by 7 to 11 finger-like,rounded lobes, light green and smooth above, pale and smooth below. Fruit an oblong, shiny acorn, about 3/4 inch long,green when fully grown, becoming light, chestnut brown, in a deep, saucer-shaped cup; maturing in one season; kernel not bitter. Bark light gray, ridged or flaky. A tree 80 to 100 feet high with a trunk 3 to 4 feet in diameter, tall and naked in the forest, short in the open and terminating in a broad, rounded head of spreading branches. One of the most valuable hardwoods. Used for
furniture, millwork, tight cooperage, veneer, car construction, crossties, handles, agriculture implements, fence posts, fuel.
What is white oak