Who is the author of Galatians
Paul called Galatians what?
Who is no different than a slave?
a child
Behold I, Paul, say to you that if you receive (blank), Christ will be of no benefit to you.
Let us not lose heart in doing.....
Why was Paul so amazed?
Because the Galatians were deserting Christ
What did Abraham do that was credited to him as righteousness?
He believed God.
What did the Galatians desire to pluck out?
their eyes
Walk by the (Blank) and not by the flesh
What size letters did Paul write with?
Large letters
What is accursed?
an Angel that preaches a different gospel
What does Paul say was clearly portrayed before their very eyes?
Jesus Christ was clearly portrayed as crucified.
Why did Paul preach the gospel to the Galatians the first time?
Bodily Illness
what happens to every man who becomes circumcised?
they have to keep the whole law.
if a person thinks himself to be something when he is nothing, whom is he deceiving?
How many years passed after Paul was converted in Damascus?
3 years
Who does Paul tell the Galatians to consider?
When does one cry out "Abba Father"
When The Spirt of Jesus is in our hearts
those who attempt to be justified by law will receive what consequences?
Christ will be severed
What does Paul bear on his body?
Brand-marks of Jesus
Why was Paul upset with Peter?
Because Peter separated himself from the gentiles.
Paul tells the Galatians to understand that those who believe are what?
Children of Abraham
Who is Bond and free?
Hagar and Sarah
What were christians called to
Why is God not Mocked?
Whatever a man sows that he will also reap