Text (vv.13-18)
Text (vv.19-21)
Text (vv.22-26)

Who is Paul addressing this letter to?

Churches of Galatia (modern day Turkey)


What are believers called to be (v. 13)?

Called to be free


Which of the following is NOT listed as an act of the flesh in Galatians 5:19-21? 

A) hatred

B) greed

C) factions

B) greed (not explicitly mentioned although it is still a sin)


How are believers instructed to live in verse 25?

Believers are instructed to keep in step with the Spirit.


V.15 If you ___ and _____each other, _____ out or you will be _________ by each other.

bite, devour, watch, destroyed


What is the tone of the letter?

Stern, authoritative because he’s upset with the people of Galatia (immoral acts, sinful lifestyle, lack of unity in Christ)


What two opposing forces are mentioned in verses 16-17?

Desires of the flesh and the Spirit


What did Paul warn the Galatians (v. 21)?

Those who live like this (the flesh) will not inherit the kingdom of God.


Who has crucified the flesh with its passions and desires?  

Those who belong to Christ Jesus


V.14 For the entire ______ is fulfilled in ______ this _____ command: “_____ _____ ______ ____ _______.”

law, keeping, one, Love your neighbor as yourself


What does it mean to crucify the flesh with its passions and desires?

To actively put to death the sinful inclinations and impulses that arise from our fallen nature, through the power of the Spirit.


According to verse 14, what fulfills the entire law?

Loving your neighbor as yourself fulfills the entire law


List five things that are acts of the flesh mentioned in vv. 19-21?

(Any five of the following) sexual immorality, impurity, debauchery, idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions, envy, drunkenness, orgies, and the like.


List five “Fruits of the Spirit” (vv. 22-23)

(any five of the following) love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control


V.22 But the ___________  of the Spirit is love, joy,______________ ,forbearance, kindness,______________, faithfulness, V.23 ______________ and ____________________. Against such __________ there is no ______________.

fruit, peace, goodness, gentleness, self-control, things, law


Why does Paul emphasize serving one another in love in Galatians 5:13?

To promote unity and mutual respect in the diverse early Christian community, overcoming social barriers.


How can you be free from (i.e., not under) the law (v. 18)? When are you not under the law (v. 18)?

 If you are led by the Spirit.


In Galatians 5:19-21, what is the term used to describe intense and violent anger?

Fits of rage


What are 3 attitudes believers are cautioned against in verse 26?

Believers are cautioned against becoming conceited, provoking, and envying each other.


V.17 For the ______ desires what is ______ to the _______, and the _____ what is ______ to the _______.  They are in _______ with ______ ______, so that you are not to do _____ _____ _____.

Flesh, contrary, Spirit, Spirit, contrary, flesh, conflict, each other, whatever you want


What is the meaning of true freedom?

No longer being bound by sin; we are free from sin’s guilt because of Christ’s forgiveness. True freedom comes from God as we live by the Spirit to serve and love.


What does it mean to "walk by the Spirit" (v. 16)?

Living in accordance with the guidance and empowerment of the Holy Spirit, allowing His influence to direct our thoughts, actions, and decisions.


What are two forms of relational strife (tension/conflict in relationships) mentioned in Galatians 5:19-21?

Discord and dissensions (hatred, jealousy, and factions are also acceptable)


In Galatians 5:25-26, Paul advises the community to 'keep in step with the Spirit' and avoid certain negative behaviors. How does this advice address the interpersonal issues and community dynamics faced by the Galatian church?

By urging believers to follow the Spirit and avoid certain negative behaviors, Paul addresses the divisions and conflicts within the community, promoting harmony and mutual edification as essential for maintaining unity and spiritual growth.


V.21 and _____; drunkenness, ____, and the _____.  I warn you, as I ____ before, that those ____ ____ like this will not ______ the _____ of God.

envy, orgies, like, did, who live, inherit, kingdom