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“a tornado flew around my room before you came ___________”
what is “excuse the mess it made, it usually doesn’t rain in southern california much like arizona”
220 lb ryle linebacker with over 12 D1 offers
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the matchmaker
what you blame when theres a hickey on your neck
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what is “who can make my life complete, its all about you when the music makes you move”
partially emo girl whos hair is always curled
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popping the v question……
make sure this doesnt run
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og sandwhich after the beach
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I love you I’m sorry _____________
what is “you were the best but you were the worst as sick as it sounds I loved you first”
A Main Character from a North Carolina show who recently died.
Who Is JJ Maybank
spiced sparkling cider
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what is foundation
karysa +y
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“brown guilty eyes and little white lies yeah i played dumb but I always knew ___________”
what is “you talked to her maybe did even worse I kept quiet so I could keep you”
famous controversial black person who said they “lowkey don’t mess with their daughter”
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type of dessert that you have to explain yourself
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potential asthma attack if there's too much
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a trending cocao treat not from the states
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“sometimes the silence guides our minds to move to a place so far away ___________”
what is “the goosebumps start to raise the minute that my left hand meets your waist”
A fierce witch from a blood sucking show, who is very protective of her family
Who is Bonnie Bennett
a print, smell and decoration
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heels,skirt,makeup, hair; where are we going?
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