What Old Testament couple had a dramatic love story that involved a man working for his bride, only to be tricked?
Jacob & Rachel
What fruit of the Spirit is listed first in Galatians 5:22?
What day is Valentine’s Day celebrated?
Feb. 14
What popular Valentine’s Day candy is shaped like a heart and often has messages like “Be Mine” or “Love You”?
Conversation hearts
What is the second greatest commandment?
Love your neighbor as yourself - Matthew 22:39
What couple in the Old Testament had a son after waiting many years for God's promise to be fulfilled?
Abraham & Sarah
What book of the Bible contains the verse “We love because He first loved us”?
1 John
Daily Double!!!
In which country did the tradition of sending Valentine’s Day cards originate?
What is the average number of Valentine’s Day cards sent each year in the United States?
Around 1 billion
What did Jesus do for His disciples to show love, even though He was their teacher?
He washed their feet.
What couple in the Bible is known for their loyalty and faithfulness, with the woman saying, “Where you go, I will go”?
Ruth & Boaz
In Ephesians 3:18-19, Paul prays that believers would understand the width, length, depth, and height of what?
The love of Christ
Which early Christian martyr's feast day is believed to be the inspiration for Valentine’s Day?
Saint Valentine of Rome
What flower is traditionally given on Valentine’s Day to symbolize friendship?
Yellow roses
In the Good Samaritan parable (Luke 10:25-37), what 3 actions did the Samaritan take to show love for the injured man?
He bandaged his wounds, took him to an inn, and paid for his care.
(For each one correct, -50 of the other teams points)
What king had 700 wives and 300 concubines, but his first great love was a humble woman named Abishag
In the parable of the lost sheep, how does Jesus describe the joy in heaven when one sinner repents?
There is more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous people who do not need to repent – Luke 15:7
In what century or time period did Valentine’s Day become widely associated with romantic love?
Middle Ages, 14th
In which country is it traditional to give chocolate to loved ones on Valentine’s Day?
Daily Double!!!!
In John 15:13, what does Jesus say is the greatest way to show love?
To lay down your life for your friends.
What couple in the New Testament worked together to spread the gospel and helped teach Apollos?
Priscilla & Aquila
What does 1 Corinthians 13 say love is?
Patient, kind, not envious, boastful, or proud. Love isn’t rude or selfish, and it doesn’t hold grudges. It always protects, trusts, hopes, and perseveres. The chapter emphasizes that love never fails.
In the Middle Ages, what did young men and women do on Valentine’s Day to try to find out their future spouse?
They would draw names from a bowl to pair up for the day, a tradition known as "Valentine's drawing."
Which Roman goddess of love is often depicted alongside Cupid during Valentine’s Day celebrations?
In Matthew 10:9-10, what did Jesus instruct His disciples to take with them when He sent them out, and why?
Jesus told them to take no gold, silver, or extra clothing, relying on the hospitality of others. This emphasized faith and dependence on God.