I was the prophetess that met the infant Jesus in the Temple.
What was Anna?
One of the cities to which John wrote 'Revelation'.
Is Ephesus/Smyrna/Pergamum/Thyatira/Sardis/ Philadelphia/Laodicea one of the cities for which 'Revelation' was intended?
This was the strange item that Jael used to kill Sisera the Canaanite.
Did Jael use a tent-peg as a weapon?
I am Joseph's firstborn son.
Who was Manasseh?
Joshua's men failed to capture this city after conquering Jericho.
What is "Ai"?
This was the strange item Samson used to kill a 1,000 Philistines.
Did Samson use a donkey's jawbone to kill Philistines?
Who was Enoch?
The city where Abram's father Terah died.
What is "Haran"?
I am the eldest son of Abraham's nephew, Lot.
Who is Moab?
The city where the Book of Esther is set.
What is "Susa"?
I am Essau's Hittite wife.
Who is Judith?
The place over which King Abimeleech reigned, who took by force Abraham's wife, Sarah.
What was Gerar?