The Israelites lived here in Egypt.
Where is Goshen?
These two apostles were known as the "Sons of Thunder."
Who were James and John?
Jesus saw him under a fig tree.
Who is Nathanael?
She met baby Jesus in the temple.
Who is Anna?
What is Joshua?
Ten Greek City/States in Israel, some of which Jesus visited.
What is the Decapolis?
This deacon baptized the Ethiopian eunuch.
Who was Philip?
He confronted David about Bathsheba.
Who is Nathan (the prophet)?
His father gave him a multi-colored coat.
Who is Joseph?
This Old Testament book predicts the birthplace of Messiah.
What is Micah?
Job lived here.
What is the land of Uz?
He oversaw the rebuilding of the wall around Jerusalem in the late 6th century BC.
Who is Nehemiah?
This prophet was a grower of sycamore trees?
Who is Amos?
She was a purveyor of purple cloth.
Who is Lydia?
John wrote three of these in our Bible.
What are his letters?
Jonah tried to flee to this city/place.
What is Tarshish?
He was the youngest boy to become king of Judah.
Who is Josiah?
He is known as the weeping prophet.
Who is Jeremiah?
She is listed as a "prominent apostle" or missionary in Romans 16.
Who is Junea?
The entire Trinity appears here in the gospels.
What is the baptism of Jesus?
What is the transfiguration?
Elijah challenged the prophets of Ba'al on this mountain.
What is Mt. Carmel?
Onan was one of her husbands.
Who is Tamar?
His dominant left hand was King Agog's end.
Who is Ehud?
Her husbands were Nabal, and later King David.
Who is Abigail?
This unit of money was a day's wages for a laborer.
What is a denarius?