Fun Facts 100
He dropped out of college
History 100
He was born Feb 15th 1564 in Pisa Italy
He Died Jan 8 1642 Arcetri (near Florence)
Mathematics 100
His laws of motion, say that bodies accelerate at the same rate no matter their mass or size.
Inventions 100
He invented the Celatone to try to and look at Jupiter's moon.
Quotes 100
"And yet it moves"
Fun Facts 200
He could have earned a living as an artist
History 200
He was a natural philosopher, astronomer, and mathematician who was known as "The Father of Science"
Mathematics 200
The Theory of Isochronism Equation
T=2pi square root L/g
L=The length of the pendulum
g= The acceleration due to gravity
Inventions 200
Proportional compass
Quotes 200
"It is a beautiful and delightful sight to be hold the body of the moon"
Fun Facts 300
He taught his students how to cast horoscopes
History 300
He was never married but had 3 children
Mathematics 300
he came up with the idea that anything thrown on earth flies along a curved path and even more in the shape of the parabola curve.
Inventions 300
Escapement, which is the first form of a clock.
Quotes 300
"You cannot teach a man anything, you can only help him find it within himself."
Fun Fact 400
His 2 daughters were nuns
History 400
In 1583, he made is first discovery. He described the rules that govern the motion of pendulums
Mathematics 400
He tried to measure the speed of light but eventually found out that it was too fast to even calculate.
Inventions 400
Galileo's pump. A device for raising water that relied on a single horse. Helped us create the modern day pump.
Quotes 400
"We must say that there are as many squares as there are numbers."
Fun Fact 500
The last year of his life he was totally blind
History 500
He was arrested for believing that the earth revolved around the sun and not the Catholic Church.
Mathematics 500
He used balls rolling down wooden ramps to find out the investigations of gravity and acceleration.
Inventions 500
The first version of a thermometer.
Quotes 500
"I do not feel obligated to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use."