Informational 1
Literature 1
Informational 2
Literature 2
Informational 3
from "Second Inaugural Address" Read the excerpt. "The time at which I stand before you is full of interest. The eyes of all nations are fixed on our Republic. The event of the existing crisis will be decisive in the opinion of mankind of the practicability of our federal system of government." What flaw can be found in this argument? A) The premise depends upon rumor and hearsay. B) The conclusion depends upon an emotional appeal. C) The premise is exaggerated. D) The conclusion is circular.
C) The premise is exaggerated.
from "I'm nobody! Who are you?" Which best describes how Dickinson has used point of view in this poem? A) C) B) D) 1) A) The third person point of view allows the audience to identify with the speaker's perspective. B) The first person point of view creates a sense that the speaker is confiding in the audience. C) The shifting point of view focuses attention on the people who want their voices heard. D) The first person point of view allows the audience to see the speaker as a public figure.
B) The first person point of view creates a sense that the speaker is confiding in the audience.
from "Get Connected: Shut Down the Internet" and "True Communication Through Cyberspace" With which statement would both authors most likely agree? A) The Internet has improved interpersonal communication. B) The Internet has ruined interpersonal communication. C) The Internet has changed interpersonal communication. D) The Internet has no effect on interpersonal communication.
C) The Internet has changed interpersonal communication.
from Twice-Told Tales This excerpt suggests that Hawthorne's philosophical position may include which one of the following ideas? A) C) B) D) 7) A) It is important to set aside money for traveling. B) It is important to understand cultures around the world. C) It is important to stay optimistic in difficult times. D) It is important to stay connected with reality.
D) It is important to stay connected with reality.
from "Etiquette on the Net" What is employed to increase clarity? A) Exclamation points emphasize the ideas the author believes are most important. B) Repetition of key phrases helps the reader understand the important points. C) Providing an equal number of "Dos" and "Don'ts" creates balance. D) The use of all capital letters illustrates an important point.
D) The use of all capital letters illustrates an important point.
from "True Communication Through Cyberspace" What argument does the author offer to counter those who say that Internet communication is of low quality? A) that in-person communication can be of low quality as well B) that no one can control the quality of his or her communication C) that Internet communication is of high quality because people are usually talking with others who share the same interests and beliefs D) that Internet communication is of high quality because people can be more genuine when they have time to consider what they want to say
D) that Internet communication is of high quality because people can be more genuine when they have time to consider what they want to say
from "I'm nobody! Who are you?" Read the lines. "I'm nobody! Who are you? Are you nobody, too? Then there's a pair of us—don't tell!" Which best explains the contradiction in these lines? A) Even if you think you are "nobody," you must be somebody. B) The more people who are "nobodies," the better. C) If you are somebody, then you will not think you are "nobody." D) "Nobody" can do much more for the world than somebody.
A) Even if you think you are "nobody," you must be somebody.
from "Get Connected: Shut Down the Internet" What argument does the author offer to counter those who say that communicating with new people online is a positive thing? A) that Internet communication makes meeting new people harder B) Internet communication is too difficult for some people C) that Internet communication is of low quality D) that Internet communication is nearly impossible
C) that Internet communication is of low quality
from Twice-Told Tales Which excerpt from the text illustrates the theme that imagination cannot be confined to physical space? A) "The best study for such a day, or the best amusement—call it which you will—is a book of travels..." B) "Then, it being nightfall, a gloomy sense of unreality depresses my spirits, and impels me to venture out..." C) "After a time, too, the visions vanish, and will not appear again at my bidding." D) "Small as my chamber is, it has space enough to contain the ocean-like circumference of an Arabian desert..."
D) "Small as my chamber is, it has space enough to contain the ocean-like circumference of an Arabian desert..."
from "Etiquette on the Net" In what way has the author formatted the instructions to increase clarity? A) Simple catch-phrases are easy to remember. B) The use of jargon creates a sense of authority. C) Bolded words signal each new topic of discussion. D) Key words are defined as soon as they are used.
C) Bolded words signal each new topic of discussion.
from "True Communication Through Cyberspace" What argument does the author offer to counter those who say using the Internet makes people more isolated? A) that isolation is not necessarily a bad thing B) that reading the news online is not isolating C) that people can feel isolated even when they are not online D) that people are not isolated when they are chatting with new friends
D) that people are not isolated when they are chatting with new friends
from "Camp of the Wild Horse" Based on the text, which of these statements was most likely true of the period about which Irving writes? A) City centers were increasingly inhabited. B) Farmland was becoming sparse. C) Men were learning about how horses could help them. D) Horses were allowed to travel wherever they wanted.
A) City centers were increasingly inhabited.
from "Marine Biology" What argument does the author offer to counter those who say that marine biology is irrelevant to their lives? A) Sometime, a person is sure to be near the ocean. B) Sometime, a person may want to explore lakes. C) Knowing the names of types of fish can help a person's career. D) Knowing the amount of salt in the water can help with trivia games.
A) Sometime, a person is sure to be near the ocean.
from “The Minister’s Black Veil” and “General Periods of American Literature” Which American period does this text examine? A) Puritanism B) Colonialism C) Romantic Period D) Contemporary Period
A) Puritanism
from “Breakfast” Which quote from the text best supports the author’s assertion that sugary cereal isn’t good for people? A) “Don't buy the pastries and marshmallow cereal - buy the strawberries and bananas and healthy cereals instead!” B) “My aunt had the table full all right, but it was full of horrible food for children…” C) “So when you get ready to feed your own children breakfast, remember that it is your job to keep them safe.” D) “Obesity, digestive problems, and tooth and gum disease are all linked to high intake of sugar.
D) “Obesity, digestive problems, and tooth and gum disease are all linked to high intake of sugar.
from "Appeal to Congress for Impartial Suffrage" Read the quotation. "Strong as we are, we need the energy that slumbers in the black man's arm to make us stronger. We want no longer any heavy-footed, melancholy service from the negro. We want the cheerful activity of the quickened manhood of these sable millions." What is Douglass's argument in this quotation? A) C) B) D) 8) A) African Americans should be allowed to serve in the military, where they will greatly increase the nation's strength. B) Of the millions of freed slaves, only those who are good, cheerful workers should enjoy the right to vote. C) The nation will be much stronger once African Americans are freed from slavery. D) Allowing African Americans to vote will make them energetic members of the community.
D) Allowing African Americans to vote will make them energetic members of the community.
from "Concord Hymn" Emerson wrote this poem to be sung as a hymn at the April 19, 1836 completion of the Concord Monument. The poem is said to have great importance because it reflects the philosophical importance of the American Revolution for all countries. Which of the following quotations illustrates this idea? A) "By the rude bridge that arched the flood..." B) "And fired the shot heard round the world." C) "On this green bank, by this soft stream..." D) "When, like our sires, our sons are gone."
B) "And fired the shot heard round the world."
from "A House Divided" What flaw can be found in this argument? A) Lincoln has limited the possible conclusions to two. B) Lincoln has appealed to the false authority of the South. C) The argument depends upon appeal to emotion rather than on facts and details. D) The argument contains circular reasoning that prevents it from arriving at a conclusion.
A) Lincoln has limited the possible conclusions to two.
from "First Harvest" Which statement from the text gives a clue to its historical setting? A) "Which made many afterwards write so largely of their plenty...." B) "They began now to gather in the small harvest they had...." C) "Besides they had about a peck a meal a week to a person...." D) "For as some were thus employed in affairs abroad...."
C) "Besides they had about a peck a meal a week to a person...."
from "Breakfast" For what reason has the author most likely employed an anecdote in paragraph 1? A) to emphasize that one can't enjoy nature if in bad health B) to draw the reader in before presenting information that could seem to scold C) to show that her relatives are healthy in almost everything that they do D) to tell the reader about fun activities for vacations
B) to draw the reader in before presenting information that could seem to scold
from "On Honesty and Rumors" Read the excerpt. "One of the chief counts against those who make indiscriminate assault upon men in business or men in public life is that they invite a reaction which is sure to tell powerfully in favor of the unscrupulous scoundrel who really ought to be attacked, who ought to be exposed, who ought, if possible, to be put in the penitentiary. If Aristides [an ancient Greek statesman and general] is praised overmuch as just, people get tired of hearing it...." Which best explains how this argument is constructed? A) The argument begins by stating a general principle and ends by showing an example of this principle. B) The argument begins by stating a specific view of Americans and ends by showing how this view has been espoused in the past. C) The argument begins with the premise that all people subscribe to a certain view and concludes by explaining that only those in the ancient world subscribed to this view. D) The argument begins with the premise that only a few men are to blame for the problem and concludes by explaining that there is actually not a problem.
A) The argument begins by stating a general principle and ends by showing an example of this principle.
from "Concord Hymn" This poem suggests that Emerson's philosophical position may include which one of the following ideas? A) Fighting a war is sometimes necessary to achieve a lasting peace. B) War is more effective when it is organized by everyday citizens. C) Fighting a war is sometimes necessary to achieve higher status. D) War is more effective when there is a clear exit strategy.
A) Fighting a war is sometimes necessary to achieve a lasting peace.
from "A House Divided" With which statement would the author most likely agree? A) The Union will most likely be divided into two countries, North and South. B) States must decided which side they stand on and fight a war. C) A country divided against itself will not stand strong. D) Slavery must be outlawed in all states, North and South.
C) A country divided against itself will not stand strong.
from "First Harvest" Based on the text, which of these statements was most likely true of the period about which Bradford writes? A) People were having a lot of conflicts with Natives. B) People wished they could return to their homeland. C) People divided rations among themselves equally. D) People lived in large houses that were solidly built.
C) People divided rations among themselves equally.
from "Breakfast" How does the author address the reader's concern that children prefer sugary cereals? A) by relating high sugar intake to medical problems B) by assuring that they will grow to like the new cereals C) by assuring that they will like the cereal when they try it D) by relating healthy cereal to success in school
A) by relating high sugar intake to medical problems