What is Starboard and Port?
Starboard is the right side of the boat and Port is the left side of the boat
In order to earn the Girl Scout Gold Award, a girl must complete a minimum of how many Journeys?
2 journeys.
What is the definition of Alpha?
Diver down, keep clear
What is the navy time for 8:00 pm?
What is this knot?
square knot or reef knot
What is GAM?
A nautical competition, "a heard of whales"
What are the 3 keys of Leadership?
Discover, Connect, Take Action
What 2 flags have a different shape? (not square)
Alpha and Bravo
What is the primary purpose of the dog watches?
To stagger the watches on a daily basis
What is the definition of a bowline?
To make a loop in a line that will never slip jam or fail
How do we prepare for GAM?
(weekly) GAM meetings
Wednesday meetings
GAM skills Day at Council
Sailing Day
GAM Cram
GAM only Meetings
Why does the Girl Scout sign use 3 fingers?
Because the girl scout promise has 3 parts
What is the name of this flag?
What watch comes before the Morning Watch?
Middle watch
What is the only knot that is not tied on a knot board?
The cleat hitch.
A jib
To visit Sangam would require a trip to which country?
What is the definition of Tango?
Keep clear of me
What is Afternoon watch, 1 bell in Civilian Time?
12:30 pm
What Is the definition of a sheet bend?
To tie 2 lines together of unequal diameter together so that they will stayed tied
When was the first GAM?
Around 1968
When did the Girl Scout Gold Award become the highest award in scouting?
What are the colors in the flag Zulu?
Yellow, Blue, Red, and Black
What is 5 bells, First Dog Watch in Navy time?
There isn't one.
How much time is given to tie 10 knots at GAM?
5 Gamily Points: How much time is Bonus?
2 minutes
Bonus time for knots is 1 min 30 seconds