What is the birth?
Gamble Man buys poker chips
How many montages are there
What is Gamble Man's name?
Gamble Man
Ms Kane
Who is the mentor?
The Wall
Who's in the montage(s)?
Gamble Man.
Does Gamble Man commit tax fraud or tax evasion?
What role was Seowoong Chang supposed to play?
Yap Dollar
Who is/was the comic relief?
Rat Rizzard/Rat/Rat Man
Name all of the things Gamble Man does in the montage (in order)
Punch a tree, contemplate life, and barely do push-ups.
What was Gamble Man's first word spoken in the short film?
Who was the Rat (scraped character) based off of?
Ivy Ventiecher
What is the abyss?
When Gamble Man's companions leave him, and it turns out they were figments of his imagination.
What is the second thing that Gamble Man does in the montage?
Contemplate Life
What was Gamble Man's *ORIGINAL* name?
What is the meaning of life?
What is the theme of this story?
"Don't pay your taxes."
How many montages were in the original script?
What is the first word(s) that Gamble Man spoke as a child?
let's go gambling
What is Trevor Wilks' middle name?