How to Conceptualize it?
How Do I Identify It?
How Do I Assess It?
How Do I Treat It?
How Did I Miss This?

There are multiple forms or types of  gambling, name three.

What are in casinos, lottery, sports betting, betting terminals, internet gaming, and Electronic Gaming Machines (EGMs)? p 144


In the DSM-5 Pathological Gambling was renamed to?

What is Gambling Disorder? p151


A clinician may use this assessment tool for gambling problems in Canada.

What is the Canadian Problematic Index or CPGI? p154


This therapeutic approach focuses on changing maladaptive thought patterns and behaviors associated with gambling.

What is cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT)? p157


This neurotransmitter is associated with the brain's reward system and plays a role in the development of gambling addiction.

What is dopamine? p190


This is a form of gambling that is commonly endorsed by Pro Athletes and Celebrities.

What are Sports Betting and Daily Fantasy Sports?

p. 149


Male gender, greater degrees of impulsivity, and inadequate academic performance, drug abuse, having two or more psychiatric disorders, and a family history. 

What are some risk factors of gambling addiction? p 152

This assessment tool was developed to be a short screening instrument to identify pathological gambling in the general population.

What is the Brief Biosocial Gambling Screening? p154


Daily Double:

This term refers to the practice of voluntarily excluding oneself from gambling venues to prevent relapse

Daily Double:

What is self-exclusion? p159


The hotline for gambling support.

What is 1-800-GAMBLER? p 157


The reported age of first gambling experience for those that meet problematic gambling.

What is 14 years old? p146


Securing money, engaging in illegal practices or violating regulation are indicators of this type of activity.

What are criminal acts to support gambling addiction? p 152


Grandma keeps playing on her phone, buts it's not TEMU, cat videos, or Candy Crush.

What is g-ma might be internet gambling? p144


This Self-action of completing a form and putting themselves on a list prohibits or bans them from entering gambling establishments.

What is Self-Exclusion? p 159


A meta-analysis of problem pathological found that gamblers have this co-occurring disorder.

What is substance use disorder?  57.5%  p156


Chance, random play, skill, and control are all signs that keep individuals gambling.

What are distorted beliefs? p146


Daily Double:

There are nine symptoms to meet the DSM Criteria for a gambling disorder.  Individuals must exhibit four of these within a 12-month-period. Name Four

Daily Double:
What are: Increased quantities of money, restlessness associated with cessation, loss of control, mental preoccupation, engaging to relieve dysphoric mood, chasing losses, lying about behaviors, experiencing loss important opportunities, financial difficulty


Taking a master's program and trying to work on the side.

What is gambling? practice I


Person-centered counseling style for addressing ambivalence.

What is Motivation Interviewing? p 158


Individuals seek counseling because they can no longer pay their bills and are in large debt.

What is not hitting the jackpot, but hitting the bottom? p156


When individuals have a proclivity toward premature, outlandish, or hasty actions toward gambling, they may exhibit these.

What are risky behaviors? p149


Impulse-control disorder was reclassified as?

What is a nonsubstance related disorder.


This assessment tool is commonly used to screen individuals for gambling problems.

What is the South Oaks Gambling Screen (SOGS)? p154


This support process is predicated on recovery in the community and consists of meetings, sponsors, literature, texts, and relying on a higher power.

What is a 12-Step Support, GA, or Gamblers anonymous? p159


Assessing problem behavior, Psychoeducation to stabilize, Identifying cognitive distortions, Challenging these distortions, Addressing additional distortions, Relaxation and Imaginal exposure to cues, Problem-solving and Goal setting, Emotion regulation and Coping strategies, Relapse prevention.

What are the 10 core sessions of Raylu and Po Oei (2010) CBT manual for client who identify as problem gamblers? p 157