How many points is a bust in black jack?
over 21
How long did it take me to make this quiz?
4 hours
Who was the 20th US president
James Abram Garfield
What is this bird?
How does a penguin make it's house?
Igloos it together
How many pairs of chromosomes does the average human have?
23 Pairs
What weapon does bridget from guilty gear fight with?
Yo-yo (Gun?)
What is the worst part of a kiwi's life?
They are related to ostriches and lay a similar sized egg
What did Kellogg originally use cornflakes for?
Anti-masturbation food
Biggest animal in the sea?
Blue Whale
Where do fish keep their money?
In the river bank
How many bones does an adult human skeleton have?
206 bones
What is the oldest game that we know how to play?
The Royal Game of Ur
What is that?
When did the war of 1812 end?
February 18, 1815
What is the fastest fish?
Indo-Pacific Sailfish
How do eggs laugh?
They crack up
How many bones does baby human skeleton have?
270 bones
Which number comes first?
1) 2
2) 4
3) 1
4) 3
5) 1
The Third one
Fact or Cap?
Sloths can hold their breaths longer than dolphins
Who was the youngest US president?
Theodore Roosevelt 42 Years old
Longest animals?
Siphonophores 45 metres (150ft)
Did you hear about the kidnapping in the park?
Don't worry he woke up
Name two noble gases
How many mario movies are there?
How do you make pasta?
Tell me
Was this a US president?
8th President Martin Van Buren
Which whale species has the deepest recorded dive?
a) Sperm Whale
b) Cuvier's Beaked Whale
c) Blue Whale
d) Dwarf Sperm Whale
Where do boats go when they are sick?
The doc
What type of genetic disorder is shown on this pedigree?
Autosomal Recessive
What is this person doing?
What is the heimlich maneuver?
Thing you do when a person is choking
How did Andrew Jackson die?
Congestive heart failure
What is the scientific name of the Western lowland gorilla?
Gorilla Gorilla Gorilla
Why did the man go to the dentist when he lost his dog?
Because he had a loose canine
What is the molecular structure of sucrose?
What is the first letter of the alphabet?
a) c
b) b
c) d
d) a
Who here wasn't a US presidents?
a) Chester Arthur
b) Millard Fillmore
c) Lawson E. Whiting
d) John Tyler
Lawson E. Whiting
Owner of the company that owns Jack Daniels
How many legs does the millipede with the most legs have?
1,306 legs
Why is it so hard to date a librarian?
They are always fully booked