What is infinity
what is Australia
This “chick” flick, is for everyone as two black law enforcement officers disguise themselves as blonde sisters to catch the criminals.
what is white chicks
This tool is used to remove eyebrow hair
what are tweezers
a shepherd boy who travels across North Africa to find treasure in the Egyptian pyramids.
The alchemist
what is delta
what is africa
In 1940s South Carolina, mill worker Noah Calhoun and rich girl Allie are in love. When Noah goes off to serve in World War II, it seems to mark the end of their love affair. But when Noah returns to their small town years later, on the cusp of Allie's marriage, it soon becomes clear that their romance is anything but over.
what is the note book
This product is used to make hair feel soft
what is conditioner
a future America where books are banned and burned.
What is Fahrenheit 451
What is omega
Emperor Penguin
What is Antarctica
A poor artist and a rich debutante meet and fall in love on the famously ill-fated maiden voyage
What is the titanic
This vitamin is used to help grow hair longer and thicker
what is biotin
Atticus Finch, defends Tom Robinson, a Black man falsely accused of raping a white woman
What is to kill a mockingbird
what is integral
A prostitute and a wealthy businessman fall for one another, forming an unlikely pair; while on a business trip in Los Angeles
What is pretty woman
This product darkens the skin for a summer look
what is fake tanner/bronzer
An epic tale spanning forty years in the life of Celie, an African-American woman living in the South who survives incredible abuse and bigotry.
What is the color purple
Ƭ̵̬̊ (a not so royal singer)
Who is prince?
what is south and Central America
Teenage Cady Heron was educated in Africa by her scientist parents. When her family moves to the suburbs of Illinois, Cady finally gets to experience public school and gets a quick primer on the cruel, tacit laws of popularity that divide her fellow students into tightly knit cliques.
what is mean girls
This tool is used to drain lymph from the face
what is gua sha/jade roller
follows the turbulent relationship between Elizabeth Bennet, the daughter of a country gentleman, and Fitzwilliam Darcy, a rich aristocratic landowner.
What is pride and prejudice