Double "Z" Words
One-Word Rhymes
Let's Live Abroad
State Capitals
Measurement Units

To silence something, like a dog

What is muzzle?


The cost of a plane ticket

What is airfare?


Let's turn our winter into mega-winter in this region that's about 75% of Russia's area; we love a brisk -80ยบ day!

What is Siberia?


This city, home to the Diamondbacks and Suns, has the highest population out of all the state capitals

What is Phoenix? (E after O unless English says no)


The base unit of mass in the metric system, its original definition was the mass of one liter of water

What is a kilogram?


It can be a low story or balcony between 2 other floors in a building or theater

What is a mezzanine?


Direct deposit time of the week

What is payday?


...But not too far abroad! This border city about 15 miles south of San Diego will keep us close to the good ol' USA

What is Tijuana?


The state with the highest population density in the US is also home to this city, the last state capital alphabetically

What is Trenton? (New Jersey)


To convert to this temperature system where 0 is absolute zero, add 273.15 to measurements in Celsius

What is Kelvin?


To drink quickly & with great enthusiasm

What is guzzle?


Magical or personal power; I've got mine working

What is mojo?


We'll add ourselves to the 2.6 million in this most populous city in Canada; West Queen West is a happening area

What is Toronto?


This Pennsylvania city was ranked as the second best place to raise a family in the United States

What is Harrisburg?


Divide a second into a billion to get this unit, approximately the amount of time it takes light to travel 1 foot in a vacuum

What is a nanosecond?


You've got 2 sets of double Z's in this 7-letter word! The exciting quality of an energetic personality

What is pizzazz?


Write one & you might get an award from the James Beard Foundation

What is a cookbook?


As this city hosted the Olympics in '92 & Hans Christian Andersen called it the "Paris of Spain", I say we give it a shot

What is Barcelona?


The tallest state capitol building is located in this city, in the only state with parishes instead of counties

What is Baton Rouge?


This word might refer to a piece of land adjacent to a building, or a unit of measurement, of which there are 1,760 in a mile

What is a yard?


This genre of music is characterized by its swinging rhythms and complex chord progressions

What is jazz?


To show off, especially in the main seating area of a sports venue

What is grandstand?


With salons of Armani & Versace & the super-ritzy "Golden Rectangle" of fashion in the center of this Italian city...ciao!

What is Milan?


It's about a 30 hour drive between these two rhyming state capitals that start with A and B

What are Austin and Boston?


This unit measures frequency in cycles per second, and is often used by musicians to describe how notes should be tuned

What is hertz?