Chapter 21 of this classic book is "Laurie Makes Mischief" and " Jo Makes Peace"
Little Women
This title was given to the rulers of ancient Egypt who were considered both Monarchs and Gods
Pester (3)
Chapter 15 of "Twilight" is named for this family of Edward's
The Cullens
As she stepped up to the guillotine in 1793, this queen apologized to the executioner for stepping on his foot
Mary Antoinette
Cant feel a thing (4)
Stephen Hawking
King Bhumibol reigned for 70 years in this Asian nation once known as Siam
Jesus boyhood home (8)
Chapter 1 of this novel by Louis Sachar begins, "There is no lake at Camp Green Lake"
Emperor Haile Selassie of Ethiopia claimed descent from the Queen of Sheba and this Biblical King
Favoritism shown to family members in business and politics (8)
The first book in a series has the chapters "What Lucy Found There" and "Back on This Side of the Door"
The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe
A 2014 play was titled this, the expected name and number of the current heir to the British throne
Charles III
neither acidic nor basic (7)