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Does the Xpert C.diff/Epi test detect RNA or DNA



What are the steps needed to create a new support contact in SFDC?

1. Contact Name

2. + New Contact

3. Fill in Account Name, First/Last Name, Preferred Language, Email, Phone Number


Which setting keeps a history of QC runs?

QC Lockout Settings

Admin > QC Lockout Settings


If a module failed Xpert Check which case type should you select?

Service Request


Customer says "I would like to use a QC Material that is not recommended."

Escalate case for additional guidance from T2 and/or MedSci.


What is the appropriate processing procedure for samples with the Xpert Xpress CoV-2/Flu/RSV plus test?

Rapidly invert the specimen in the transport media 5 times to mix the sample, then use the provided pipette to aspirate 300 uL (micro liters) of sample, then transfer the sample into the sample chamber of the cartridge


Where do you find the customer's Account Name if their instrument is listed as Cepheid Owned (CO)?

Hover over the Ship to Location to see the customer's actual Account Name

On the Xpress, if you click "More Settings"(Blue Lines Button) and click "Logout", does it stop tests that are running?



A module and a gateway board need to be replaced.  Explain how the service notes is written.

FSE action plan

-action and SNs

SC action plan:

verified address, attention to


Customer says " My Infinity won't stop giving me automation failures and the gantry keeps stalling" How do you show active listening?

Thank you for reaching out to us! I'm sorry to hear you are experiencing these automation failures and gantry stalls. I'd like to hear more about what you've tried so far to troubleshoot and then we can proceed to try a few methods to stop these errors.

What are the Cepheid recommended QC Material for Xpert Norovirus?



Negative -  NATROTA-6MC


How would you describe the order of migration for linked cases?

Clone/Create sub cases then fill in all the details, keep the service notes the same, add related parent case to child cases, add replacement parts, field intervention all and erp trigger all, DVR check all, Migrate All, Support Complete all. 


On the Xpress, how does one minimize the Xpress SW?

Swipe from left to right on the touchscreen.


You have determined the module needs to be replaced.  When confirming the shipping address the customer corrects you with a different address.  What do you do with the new address?

Temporary address - Fill in the right side of the location section.  

Permanent address fill left side of location section. It will then create a DVR.

Customer says " We restarted our system over the weekend and now it says Instrument not Detected. What do we do?"

1. Check cable connections

2. Check switches, I is on, O is off

3. Check IP address


What does EAT stand for?  What is the EAT for Xpress SARS-CoV-2?

Early Assay Termination (EAT)

EAT will be triggered with positive results in as early as 25 minutes.


How do we follow HIPAA guidelines and avoid seeing patient information when it comes to collecting data?

Cloak ID's and Notes

Adobe redact names/sample ids


Which instruments are valid for a SWAP?

Xpress instruments that are Cepheid-Owned or under a Service Contract


Xpert Check encounters a 2034 error, what does this mean?

Another GeneXpert software is open and competing for the genexpert connection, close the other software


Customer says " My monthly maintenance says I need to perform plunger rod maintenance, what is a plunger rod and what does it do?"

The plunger rod is responsible for the suction, mixing, and disposal of the reagents within the cartridge. We need to clean it with A final concentration of 1:10 dilution of household chlorine bleach or 70% ethanol or denatured ethanol


What specimens do they Xpert Xpress GBS and Xpert GBS LB XC use?

Xpert GBS LB XC is for Antepartum specimens (before childbirth) with enriched vaginal/rectal swab specimens. 

Xpert Xpress GBS is for Intrapartum specimens (Childbirth to labor) with vaginal/rectal swabs


What are a few methods customers can send us data?

1. Remote Access / Beyond Trust


2. Flash Drive / Email

3. myCepheid portal:  Upload attachments

4. FAX 408 716 2550

5. Upload Instrument Data

6. Dispatch FSE


What reagents are for Clia Waived (Xpress) customers? How can we tell when an Assay is for Xpress?

If it says Xpert Xpress, it is meant for clia waived systems


How do we right click on the touch screen system?

Hold and do not release like your life depends on it


Customer says " I need to know what we can or cannot download for windows updates, can we install SQL files" What do we tell them?

Provide security guidelines document, changes are dependent on their IT.  Customers are encouraged to no install SQL files or this may have an impact on the software SQL files.