This activity is where you can review external clinical information for a patient.
Care Everywhere
This key allows you to pull a previously added provider in the CC Charts field.
Use this section in the visit navigator to add or discard medications in the patient's chart.
Medication Reconciliation
For In Basket pool messages, click this button in an In Basket folder to let everyone in your pool know that you are working on the message.
This activity allows you to scan a file to an order.
Media Manager
You can find scanned documents from the local chart and external organizations in this Chart Review tab.
Click this button to "lock" Epic, so allow another user can quickly access the same chart upon login.
This activity should be used to document a patient's Care team.
Care Teams
DON'T click this button on messages until you have completed taking action.
This Epic functionality is a one-stop shop for searching across the patient's chart and even graphing data.
Assistant Bar
You can see upcoming appointments by de-selecting this Checkbox in the Encounters tab.
Use this activity to populate a patient's preferred pharmacies and labs.
These sections are required to close an office visit encounter.
Chief Complaint, Diagnosis, Progress Note, Level of Service
If a message was sent to your In Basket pool in error, click this button to send it to the right person.
Use this button to create tickets for IT from within Epic.
Help Desk
This button in Chart Review allows you to fax the selected report from within Epic.
Use this tool in Epic to quickly pull patient information into your notes.
For Video Visits, send the direct link to patients and proxies using this button
Send Direct Link
Use this button to confirm you are logged into your In Basket Pools.
My Pools
Share these note templates with your colleagues, so they don't reinvent the wheel.