Complete this verse where God tells Abram what He will do for him:
Genesis 12:2 "I will make you into a great _ _ _ _ _ _
and I will bless you;"
Who was Lot?
Abraham's nephew.
When Abram heard that Lot had been kidnapped, he:
1. Called a meeting of his council
2. Went into hiding for 24 hours
3. Called out his 318 trained men and went in pursuit
3. Called out his 318 trained men and went in pursuit
Why did Abram decide to go down to Egypt?
A famine in the land.
Do you know?
Who in our class intends to pursue nursing and will be an EMT?
Who is the king of Salem who was a priest of God most high?
Do you know?
Who in our class is in the 7th grade at Strack and enjoys soccer?
After Abram and Lot parted, what city did Lot choose to live near?
Do You Know:
Who is a freshman and plays the viola in her school orchestra at Bridgeland Sr. High?
What did Sarai pretend when she entered Egypt with Abram?
She pretended to be Abram's sister.
Why was the city of Sodom not a good choice for Lot to live in?
The people of Sodom were wicked and sinned against the Lord.
What did Abram give to Melchizedek?
1. A tenth of everything he had
2. Harvest offerings
3. Gold and silver
1. A tenth of everything he had
As a result of Abraham's lie, what did God send to the people of Pharaoh's palace?
God sent terrible diseases to the palace.
After Lot parted from Abram, the Lord said this to Abram:
Genesis 13: 15 "All the land that you see I will give to you and your offspring __ __ __ __ __ __ __."
What did Melchizedek bring out to serve Abram?
Bread and wine.