Road Signs
Self Care
Social Skills

What is a good exercise to keep your heart healthy?

A) Running
B) Sleeping
C) Watching TV

A) Running


What kind of sign will you find at a bus stop?

A picture of a bus


What should you do if you are feeling really tired?

Sleep / Nap


Which of these animals can fly?

A) Elephant
B) Dog
C) Bird
D) Fish

C) Bird


If you accidentally bump into someone, what should you say?

A) "Watch out!"
B) "Sorry!"
C) "Stop it!"
D) "Leave me alone!"

B) "Sorry!"


Which of these is a way to stay active?

A) Sitting still all day
B) Playing video games all day
C) Playing outside

C) Playing outside


What does a green traffic light mean?

A) Stop
B) Slow down
C) Go
D) Turn around

C) Go


What is a healthy way to relax before bed?

A) Play on your phone
B) Read a book or listen to soft music
C) Eat a big meal

B) Read a book or listen to soft music


What do plants need to grow?

Water, Sun, Soil


How can you show kindness to your friend?

A) Ignore them
B) Say something nice
C) Take their toys
D) Shout at them

B) Say something nice


How can you make your body strong?



What does a red stop sign mean?

A) Go faster
B) Stop and look around
C) Stop and wait
D) Turn left

B) Stop and look around


What should you do if you feel sad or upset?

A) Talk to someone you trust
B) Ignore how you feel
C) Stay angry

A) Talk to someone you trust


When it rains, where is the water coming from?

Water falls from the clouds


What should you do when someone is talking to you?

A) Look away
B) Ignore them
C) Talk louder than them
D) Listen carefully

D) Listen carefully


What are some exercises that get your heart beating fast?

Running, jumping, climbing, jump rope, dancing


What do road name signs look like?

Green signs with street names on them


What is a good way to calm your mind when you are worried?

Take a deep breath
Get a hug 
Talk to someone you love


Which of these animals is a herbivore (eats plants)?

A) Tiger
B) Elephant
C) Bear
D) Owl

B) Elephant


When someone shares with you, what should you do?

A) Take it and run
B) Say thank you
C) Yell at them
D) Ignore it

B) Say thank you


What should you do before playing sports or exercising to prepare your body to move a lot?

Stretch your muscles


What does a "Pedestrian Crossing" sign warn you about?

A) Cars should stop
B) People might walk across the road
C) You should walk slowly
D) You need to wear shoes

B) People might walk across the road


Why is getting enough sleep important for you?

A) It helps you feel better and be ready for the day
B) It makes you hungry
C) It makes you play video games longer

A) It helps you feel better and be ready for the day


Which season comes after winter?

A) Fall
B) Summer
C) Spring
D) Winter

C) Spring


If you're really angry at your friend, what should you do?

Take a deep breath
Walk away to calm down
Tell your friend how you feel
Talk to a grownup