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This Guernica artist won an Oscar for Best Original Screenplay for Lost in Translation

Who is Pablo Picassofia Coppola?


The repeal of Prohibition in the United States or the release of the first Mickey Mouse cartoon

What is the release of the first Mickey Mouse cartoon? (Steamboat Willie premiered November 18, 1928; the 21st amendment was ratified on December 5, 1933)


Who is the Phillie Phanatic? (Philadelphia Phillies)


In baseball, the throw that initiates action OR in soccer, what the British call the playing surface

What is pitch?


The most successful female fighter in UFC history, this martial artist joined WWE in 2018

Who is Ronda Rousey?


This seven-time NASCAR Cup Series champion is Blondie's most successful song

Who is Dale Earnhardt of Glass?


The invention of basketball or the Spanish-American War

What is the invention of basketball? (invented by James Naismith on December 21, 1891; the U.S. declared war on Spain on April 21, 1898)


Who is Benny the Bull? (Chicago Bulls)


In baseball, a pitch in which the batter swings and misses OR in bowling, a shot which knocks down all ten pins

What is strike?


This entertainer is the lead singer of Sugar Ray

Who is Mark McGrath?


This "Jack and Diane" singer is a historic set of treaties between Egypt and Israel

Who is John Cougar Mellencamp David Accords?


The premiere of I Love Lucy or the beginning of the Korean War

What is the Korean War? (June 25, 1950; I Love Lucy premiered October 15, 1951)


Who is the Stanford Tree? (unofficial Stanford Cardinal)


In NASCAR, the phenomenon on superspeedways whereby cars run faster when immediately behind other cars OR the process by which most North American sports leagues assign amateur players to teams

What is draft?


This TV chef is known for her emphasis on quick and simple recipes

Who is Rachael Ray?


This Malian city is a distinctive piece of clothing worn by ballerinas

What is Timbuktutu?


The invention of the doorknob or the assassination of Abraham Lincoln

What is the invention of the doorknob? (patented in 1878; Lincoln's assassination was April 14, 1865)


Who is Iceburgh? (Pittsburgh Penguins)


In football, when the QB throws the ball into the ground immediately after receiving the snap, primarily as a time-saving measure OR in volleyball, when the attacking team attempts to send the ball to the ground quicker than the defending team can play it

What is spike?


In December 2021, CNN fired this reporter for ethical violations related to his attempts to defend his brother against sexual harassment allegations

Who is Chris Cuomo?


This stage name of comedian Dan Whitney is the most prominent member of the Gunpowder Plot, the 1605 conspiracy to overthrow James I and re-establish a Catholic monarch in England

Who is Larry the Cable Guy Fawkes?


The Battle of Hastings or Viking settlement of Greenland

What is Viking settlement of Greenland? (986; the Battle of Hastings took place on October 14, 1066)


Who is K.C. Wolf?


In hockey, the use of the stick to restrain an opponent OR in golf, a shot where the ball flies severely to the left for right-handed golfers

What is a hook?


This German record producer is best known as the mastermind behind Boney M. and Milli Vanilli

Who is Frank Farian?