This is the main character in a story who faces challenges.
What is a protagonist?
A word that describes a noun.
What is an adjective?
Reading to understand the main ideas in a text.
What is comprehension?
A word that sounds like its meaning.
What is an onomatopoeia?
Where and when a story takes place.
What is the setting?
When a character learns an important lesson in a story.
What is a character's growth or development?
A word that shows action.
What is a verb?
Looking for clues in the text to understand new words.
What is using context clues?
Words that sound the same but have different meanings.
What are homophones?
The order of events in a story
What is the plot?
The problem or challenge a character must solve in a story.
What is the plot conflict?
A group of words that has a subject and a verb.
What is a sentence?
Daily Double Comparing two things using "like" or "as".
What is a simile?
The mood or feeling created by the writing.
What is tone?
The people or animals in a story.
What are characters?
A part of the story that gives hints about what might happen next.
What is foreshadowing?
Daily Double Words that mean the opposite of each other
What are antonyms?
The reason an author writes a specific text.
What is the author's purpose?
Daily Double Describing something without using "like" or "as".
What is a metaphor?
Daily Double The main message or big idea of a story.
What is the theme?
Daily Double The type of writing that tells a made-up story.
What is fiction?
The ending part of a word that changes its meaning.
What is a suffix?
Different types of writing like stories, poems, and articles.
What are genres?
Words that connect ideas in a sentence.
What are conjunctions?
Different points of view in storytelling.
What are narrative perspectives?