More Genre

Food, water, and stone are possible resources in these types of games.

What is strategy?


Dakota plays several instruments, loves to sing, and composes music for fun. This life-long music lover has never been very good at video games but is interested in giving them a try. This genre of video game would most likely be a good fit?

 the rhythm genre


In any game that requires you to have a large area of the map in view at any given time, this perspective is preferred.

What is top-down?


Individual items of significance such as armor, weapons, or game props are called what





Chess is a great example of this game mechanic?

Capture and eliminate


This type of game emphasize problem-solving using spatial skills, logic, or pattern recognition.

What are puzzle games?


In this game, Skylar’s paragon character is rewarded for completing tasks by being virtuous and ethical, such as never betraying friends, even if a betrayal would make sense in the storyline. What genre of video game is Skylar most likely playing?

What is a role-playing game?


Mackenzie just graduated with a degree in game design and has been working on designing her first video game outside of the classroom. What is one of the first questions that Mackenzie should consider while working on this game?

What is player perspective?


to pick out the clothing, hair, or other features of the virtual character that represents the player in the game world is called this.

What is personalize and design?


This component of a game makes victories feel earned and helps the player become psychologically engaged by the play experience?

What is challenges or conflicts?



These type of games simulate team and individual sports, like basketball or golf, in a realistic fashion or exaggerated arcade manner.

What are sports games?


This genre of video games includes platform games and shooter, fighting, or survival games with intense, simulated physical challenges that require a lot of fine motor-skills and hand-eye coordination?

What are action games?



In this perspective because it’s an awkward perspective and it’s hard to explain why a character would be doing this, unless they are supposed to be shooting a documentary about the player avatar.


What is second perspective?

The measure of this is simply how effective it is at drawing a player into your game or creating player immersion.

What is a game mechanic?


These games are used to develop a skill or knowledge base in a fun way.

What are E-Learning games?


While capture and eliminate mechanics are present in subtle ways in many video game genres, what type of game are they central to the gameplay in?

What is real-time strategy games?


A game that allows a player to fully invest their imagination in the game’s artificial world. If you successfully accomplish this, what have you mastered?

What is player immersion?


These are examples of feedback in a video game.

What is a score or progress?


What game mechanic is this an example of?

What is inventory?


These games are a broad category of games where gameplay is designed to simulate real-world or fictionalized activities and often require resource management skills.

What is simulation?


This perspective shows the game world from the perspective of an abstract, free-roaming camera. In other words, you’re not looking through anyone’s “eyes”

What is third-person?


These skills require fast response and good hand-eye coordination.

What are twitch skills?


This is the most universal mechanic.

What is movement?