Video Games
Art Pieces
Figurative Language

What is the most popular game in the world now?

What is Among Us


132 X 5

What is 660


What is the king of the jungle?

What is a Lion


What is Rangoli


What is Rangoli is an art form, originating in the Indian subcontinent, in which patterns are created on the floor or the ground using materials such as coloured rice, coloured sand, quartz powder, flower petals, and coloured rocks. It is usually made during Diwali or Tihar, Onam, Pongal, Sankranthi and other Hindu festivals in the Indian subcontinent. It is made mostly during diwali. Designs are passed from one generation to the next, keeping both the art form and the tradition alive.


What is alliteration?

What is the occurrence of the same letter or sound at the beginning of adjacent or closely connected words.


What is the game ARSENAL on Roblox

Arsenal is a first-person shooter game created by the ROLVe Community based on the Arms Race game mode in the video game Counter-Strike: Global Offensive. ... The game was revamped in late 2018, which resulted in a large gain of players and visits.

What lesson did you learn in unit 5 day 6 Guided notes?

What is Objective: I can identify corresponding ordered  pairs  on the coordinate grid and write the ordered pair from a point on the coordinate.


What animal does the most work with him/her family?

What are Ants


Who is the most famous artist ever?

What is Leonardo Da - Vinci


What does this mean?

Its raining cats and dogs

What is Its raining very heavy


What is the main character of among us?

What is the red one


What is 6,999 - 1,864?

What is 5,135


What is the most poisonous snake in the WORLD?

What is inland taipan


What is the most famous comic?

What is dog man


What are the real meanings of these IDIOMS:

1. You can't judge a book by its cover

2. You can't have your cake and eat it too

3. A blessing in disguise

4. A dime a dozen

5. Beat around the bush

What is:

1. This person or thing may look bad, but it's good inside

2. You can't have everything

3. A good thing that seemed bad at first

4. Something common

5. Avoid saying what you mean, usually because it is uncomfortable


What is the new update on Adopt me?

What are Ocean eggs


What is a line plot?

What is A line plot is a graph that displays data using a number line. ... Next, place an X (or dot) above each data value on the number line. If a value occurs more than once in a data set, place an Xs over that number for each time it occurs.


What is the most famous animal ever?

What is Cats And Dogs


What is famous sculpture? 

What Is the statue of liberty


What is Imagery?

What is Imagery is language used by poets, novelists and other writers to create images in the mind of the reader. Imagery includes figurative and metaphorical language to improve the reader's experience through their senses.


On among us what is the way to get imposter every tome?

What is THE WHITE-HOT MURDER MYSTERY GAME AMONG US is all about schemes and subterfuge. At the start of each round, players are assigned one of two roles: either a "Crewmate" who has to complete simple tasks and survive, or the "Imposter" who must kill the crew.

Being the Imposter is the more exciting role, but a nerve-wracking one. Players must carefully plan out a series of murders while avoiding suspicion. There's nothing quite like the rush of successfully killing everyone in a round, or turning other players against each other.


To solve 54 - 26, Pat changed the problem to 58 - 30 and gave the answer 28. Do you agree? Explain.

What is yes


What are the queens of the jungle?

What is a Lioness


What is the most famous artwork ever?

What is Mona Lisa

(By Leonardo Da Vinci)


What is personification?

What is giving a non human object human charactaristics