Philly/ Temple
Pop Culture
1940 Staff

What game is this meme from: 

What is GTA: San Andreas? 


This is the name of Temple's living Owl Mascot, usually seen at football games. She is in a loving relationship with Hooter the Owl. 

Who is Stella? 


These are the names of the three most iconic Spider-Man Actors. They shared the screen together most recently in Spider-Man: No Way Home 

Who are Tom Holland, Andrew Garfield, and Tobey Maguire?


This person is the Resident Director of 1940. 

Who is Matt Huelett?


This rapper/ hip-hop artist unofficially ran for president in the 2020 election 

Who is Kayne West (Ye)? 


This is a term used for person in a certain southern state that commits weird and unusual crimes using dumb methods such as "robbing a Wendy's with an Alligator" 

Who is Florida Man?


This marketplace is widely considered one of Philadelphia's most iconic culinary attractions, featuring over 80 different vendors. 

What is Reading Terminal Market


This is the official name of "the child" in the Disney Plus series The Mandolorian. Before the show officially announced his name, he was commonly known as Baby Yoda on the internet. 

Who is Grogu? 


This is the number of RA's on staff in 1940.

What is the number 9? 


This duo of ____ and _____ met at Temple University. Some of their most iconic songs are "Rich Girl," "You Make My Dreams," and "Kiss On My List."  

Who are Hall and Oates 


This person is perched on top of City Hall 

Who is William Penn?


This website became popular in the early to mid 2010's before it was discontinued by Disney on March 30th, 2017. The website allowed the player characters to own igloos and explore snow themed mini-games such as card-jitsu. 

What is Club Penguin 


This person is the lead RA of 1940, and lives on the 5th floor.

Who is RA Manny Nelson?


This Metallica song was performed by Eddie Munson in the final episode of Stranger Things Season 4. 

What is Master of Puppets 

This iconic cheese-steak restaurant on South Street recently burned down. 

What is Jim's Steaks on South Street? 


This website was popular in the mid to late 2000's and featured stuffed animals that came with a digital code attached to them once you bought them from the store. You could then use the digital code to play with an online version of your stuffed animal to compete in mini-games or build and decorate a home 

What are Webkins? 


This is the phrase listed on the largest bulletin board in the lobby, specifically the one next to the water fountain. 

What is "Falling for 1940" ?


In his most recent song "Betty," rapper and hip-hop artists Yung Gravy samples this song infamous for trolling people online. 


This person is considered the founder of Temple University 

Who is Russell Conwell 


According to Douglas Adam's Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, this is the meaning of life. 

What is 42?


List the full names (first and last name) of 3 of the student staff members on the 1940 team. Your answer must include at least one PM. 

Who are: 

Ben Sacks 

Alex Hughes 

Indiya Johnson 

Manny Nelson 

Brandi Bitting 

Jonathan Macsay

Jun Son

Kerrie Njoroge 

Maddison Bedell 

Mim M

Zoe Necowitz 

This grammy award winning producer from New Jersey produced the 10 minute rendition of "All Too Well" on Taylor Swift's most recent album: Red Taylor's Version 

Who is Jack Antonoff