Disney Villains
Tim Burton films
Famous bands
Guess the movie
Places we been

This villain has all the archetypes of a typical hero, Good looks, strong and charming. yet our female protagonist despises this red hunk of a man

Gaston!- Beauty and the beast!


this 2010 movie adaptation of a classic Walt Disney movie has many of the same story line structures. The only difference being the mad hater himself falling in love with the other queen.

What is Alice in wonderland.


This performer is famous for his poetic songs, known for hits like "Hard rains going to fall' and "Mr. tambourine man

Who is bob dylan


This 1997 movie follows two lover jack and rose as they plot their escape from this terrible April 1912 event

What is the movie Titanic


The bar we first met!

The Virginia Street brew house


This young man has a nasty reputation for destroying inanimate objects. This all changes once those objects come to life and scar this character in this famous Pixar movie series.

Syd the kid!


This Tim Burton movie is about a young man trying to resurrect his dog in this awesome adaptation of Frankenstein. 

What is Frankenwinnie 


This band also known as the Fab four traveled together in the 50s and 60s until the tragic killing of one of lead singers

Who are the beatles


This movie is about districts fighting in a world where it is survival of the fittest. Only the strongest survive. "May the odds be ever in your favor."

What is/are the Hunger games


We sat here together and watched hot air balloons!

San rancho rafael park!


After rightfully warning the old lady that the fox would be trouble, this character in fox in the hound not only falls into his own trap, but is attacked by a bear!

Amos (Slade)


A vampire returns to his ancestral home in 1972 and faces his dysfunctional descendants and a witch. Using his power this vampire must use his powers to save his century year old family fishing business.

What is the movie Dark shadows


This performer is known for being apart of groups like G Unit and D12. Has had performances at the Grammy's and the Superbowl. This musician is renown for being the best in his genre 

Who is Marshal Matthers/ Eminem


A free slave and his comrade a bounty hunter journey to find the young mans lost lover. who is said to be in a place called Candy land

What is Django unchained


We walked through here together with your mom on one of our earlier adventures. We got to pet a donkey and see the bucket of blood saloon

Where is Virginia City


This fearful disney/Pixar villain in WALL-E is famous for being like HAL-9000 from 2001 a space odyssey. His Robotic nature is not only threatening but intelligent too. 

Who is AUTO.


A story of heartbreak and death! Betrayal and Awe. In this Burton film a young man finds himself eloped to someone who is well beyond the Grave

What is the movie Corpse Bride!


This fictional band is known for their music videos, being all animated. known for the album plastic beach the the single "Feel good inc."

Who are the Gorillaz


This Stephen Spielberg movie is famous for pulling audiences out of the water. Keeping people from going to the beach and forever placing sharks on everyone's top 5 things to fear in the ocean

What is the movie JAWS


This Little cafe in northwest reno is where the boys and I would eat and get fresh coffee. we sat down here and enjoyed a nice breakfast with mug coffee

Hint:Bestside Cafe is... the W-

where is Westside cafe


This Villain is known for being extremely intimidating, duel sickle blades puts our hero's fur stands on end. Their presence felt on screen every time we hear this villains whistling tune. 

Who is "The big bad wolf"

"the Wolf/Death''


Michael Keaton as the infamous caped crusader and Jack Nicholson as a gangster clown fight it off in this iconic comic book movie

What is Batman! 


This Famous artist is known for his impact on country music forever. Playing in the super group "The highway men" This performer is also known as "The man in black."

Who was Johnny Cash


 a famous Mayan prophecy that the underground volcano in Yellowstone would explode and California falling off the coast in this famous movie

What is the movie 2012


its breakfast, lunch, dinner, midnight snack and comfy af.  Always open too!!!

Where is gold and silver cafe