Released to the public in 1999, which cellphone is said to be the most popular of all time?
What is the square root for 25?
Which city was I born in?
Multan, Pakistan
Who was in the World Cup Finale for FIFA 2022?
Argentina vs France
What NFL football team went undefeated during the regular season before losing to the New York Giants in the 2012 Super Bowl?
The New England Patriots
Keanu Reeves was the lead in what popular 1999 movie?
The Matrix
Which famous "bloods" member and rapper got shot at the age of 25?
Tupac Shakur
What was my major and minor at George Mason University?
International Affairs and minor in ISOM
In 2001, which pop-singer couple attended the American Music Awards dressed in all denim?
Britney Spears and Justin Timberlake
What year was the first Apple iPhone released in the United States?
By the end of 1999, there had been over 186 million of the devices sold. Which was the go-to device for people to listen to portable music on?
What is the Roman numeral for 25?
When I was 12 years old, what was I hospitalized for?
In 2017, during the 89th Academy Awards, “La La Land” was mistakenly announced as Best Picture. What film actually won the Oscar?
How do you spell ____________?
How to use it: “The trunk of my car is such a mess—all of my workout paraphernalia is in there.”
What U.S. president was put on trial in 1999?
Bill Clinton
What is the traditional gift for a 25th wedding anniversary?
How old was I when I first started working and where?
15 years olds and Subway
What dance craze swept the world following the release of the same-name song by Spanish pop duo Los del Río?
The Macarena
What was the name of the series of programs and projects President Franklin D. Roosevelt enacted during The Great Depression?
The New Deal
Which company began in 1999 and helped people find information about local businesses?
Yellow pages
You must be 25 years old to hold this American political office
What was my Starbucks order for the Winter and Summer time (pre-boycott)! We hate Starbucks now!
Peppermint White Mocha (Winter) and Iced White Mocha with whip cream (Summer)
Dubbed the “Wedding of the Century,” what royal couple tied the knot in 1981?
Prince Charles and Princess Diana
What animal has the highest blood pressure?