What book does Dwight read to Jim and Pam during their stay at Schrute Farms?
What is Harry Potter
What makes Monica realize her boxes in her parent's garage are Ross's and not hers?
What is Ross's baby doll
Why did Sheldon tell Amy she couldn't wear lip gloss anymore?
What is it made her mouth look too slippery
Where is Vietnam
What is Creed's job?
What is quality assurance
When Jim and Pam go to Schrute Farms, what does Jim say he and Pam are required to have before bed?
what is a bedtime story
What does Emma's beauty pageant trophy say?
What is "Grand Supreme Little Darling"
What does Sheldon try to give Amy to trick her into thinking it is medication?
What are tic tacs
What are Wildcats
What is Michael's comfort food
What is mayo and olives
What does the competing b&b grow?
What is Frank Jr's Wife's name?
Who is Alice Knight
What does Penny think will happen to Steven Hawking if he goes on the sea voyage with Leonard?
What is Hawking will roll right off the boat
What 2 items do Jay and Gloria steal and break when Manny tries to take them to school?
What are his panflute and pancho
What bone does Meredith break when Michael hits her with his car?
What is her pelvic bone
How many goats were in the "Pewter Package" at Schrute Farms?
What is 10-12 goats
What soap does Chandler say he got on the potatoes when Monica let him cook?
What is Palm Olive
What is 11 pages
What kind of pet are Jay and Gloria accused of having from their neighbor?
What is a parrot
What does Michael want to write in fire in the parking lot so he pours gas everywhere?
What is a proposal to Holly
What are the themes of Dwight's b&b rooms themes?
What is Irrigation, America, and Beet Agriculture
What is the name of the dog that Phoebe sneaks into Monica and Chanlder's apartment for 3 days?
Who is Klunkers
What are Bernadette and Howard's kid's names?
Who are Frank and Grace Dunphy
What singer does Ryan fake obsess over their death, which turns out to be a hoax?