Take the Bar
True or False
The four women mentioned in the Genealogy of Christ, Rahab, Tamar, Bathsheeba, Ruth
Mt 1:1-16
The only miracle of Jesus mentioned in all four Gosepls
2 Chr 24:1
1 Kings 19:19-21
Judges 16:19
Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy
2 Chronicles 9:31
Jeremiah 24:1
Rachel, close 2nd mentioned 47 times
The Lord sent this propher'before the great and terrible day of the LORD comes.'
Malachi 4:5
Jeremiah 29:22
Hosea 1:3
Ex 15:21
1 King 16:15
Ezekiel 28:3
Luke 17:32
Hint: "J"
There are 12 of them:
1. Joshua 2. Judges 3. Job 4. Jeremiah 5. Joel 6. Jonah 7. St. John 8. James 9. 1 John 10. 2 John 11. 3 John 12. Jude
The longest reigning king
Manasseh, 55 years
2 King 21:1
1 Samuel 4:10-11