Philosophy of Punishment
Corrections History

Two basic sentencing systems used across the U.S

What are Indeterminate and Determinate sentencing? 


A law enforcement official who is sworn to uphold the law, keep social order, and preserve public safety

What is a Police Officer? 


This is the act of discouraging future criminal acts by the offender and others in the population

What is Deterrence? 


The number of people that one probation officer can effectively supervise based on risks and needs

What is a Caseload?


The country with the highest incarceration rate in the world

What is the United States?


A place of confinement in a state or federal facility for offenders to serve their sentences with different levels of security supervision conditions

What is a Prison? 


A nonfinancial release that is based on a defendant's promise to appear for trial

What is Release on Recognizance? 


A type of incapacitation that is reserved for the worst offenders who should be kept away from society

What is Selective Incapacitation?


Court-ordered unpaid labor from an offender, for the community

What is Community Service?

When feminists argued for women to have separate reformatories and got them

What is Segregating the Sexes?


A report that helps judges with sentencing decisions derived from a presentence investigation

What is a Presentence Investigation Report?


The jails that are regarded as the worst in the country because of its conditions 

What are Indian Country Jails?


This philosophy is different from the others, as it does not have any interest in preventing crime

What is Retribution? 


A community based correctional center in which an offender lives under supervision and needs permission to leave, also a modern term for 'halfway house'

What is a Residential Community Correction Facility (RCCF)? 


Two separate systems in the 1800s, one used the 'separate and silent' system, and the other used the  'congregate and silent' system

What are the Pennsylvania and Auburn systems?


When an inmate has been on good behavior, participated in work, rehabilitation, or education programs, and days from their sentence are reduced

What is Earned Good Time?


The two types of supervision, one is also known as remote supervision, and the other form of supervision is regarded as more continuous and safe

What are Indirect Supervision and Direct Supervision? 


A form of restoration, commonly used in prisons as Victim Impact classes, and also practiced within the community

What is Restorative Justice?


An alternative to criminal court for people who have committed misdemeanors, non-violent felonies, and have a history of substance abuse or mental illness

What are Problem-solving Courts?


The first known body of law, established 4,000 years ago

What is the Code of Hammurabi? 


The type of offense in which people believe should have other alternatives than incarceration because it does not harm society as much as other offenses

What are Non-violent Offenses?


An assessment which provides the judicial officer with information to decide whether release in the community or detention in jail is appropriate

What is a Pretrial Assessment? 


In the late 18th century, this philosophy was aimed to rescue wrongdoers from the evil that had overcome them

What is Rehabilitation as reclamation?


A nonresidential center that is an alternative to incarceration that has high level of control and delivers services to offenders

What is a Day Reporting Center? 


Author of the book which helped provide the basic principles underlying the 1779 Penitentiary Act

Who is John Howard?