What are the set meals of the day to eat
breakfast, lunch , and dinner
what time is lunch
10:34 and 10:03
how to get closer to family
-be open about life, ask about themselves, plan things to do together, call them often, communicate rather than argue
what is your favorite video game
What do you see yourself doing 10 years from now
realistic and true to themselves
good ways to handle an angry parent
- ground them ( tell them their grounded, and take away their phone)
- listen to them, figure out how to solved the problem, take some time away if needed, talk it out
which teacher is most challenging?
7th-mr. orlick
8th-mr. kyle
How to handle an arguement
-not yell, don't get aggressive, no physical harm, not curse words, speak your mind calmly, dont throw things, walk away, distract self.
whats the most popular social media app
what chores are important for a house
- vacuuming, cleaning, cooking, mopping, laundry , money management, take out the trash, time management
who has the best style
7th-Antonio, Harlem,
How to deal with other's sadness
-Take personal space with them, helping with calming techniques like breathing, listen to them, get them drink, get them something helpful , hug them,
things to do with friends
-skating, chill at the house, go on a walk, watch movies, pay games, arts and crafts, bike riding
What people or qualities do you want in your life/chosen family?
acceptable answer
how to do work when you dont want to
-get a friend to help, Do something fun while doing it, thinking about consequences, thinking about the positives after doing it, do something to calm you before starting the process,
What are the funest games to play in gym
Free Time, kickball, long base,
Triple Trouble
best ways to communicate
-talking it out, message feelings, body language, being open,write a letter
how do you control your emotions ?
- take a minute breathe and calm down, communicate after calm, focus on something else, find things that distract you ( music, walk, drawing, journaling) , release emotions with a friend, ask for advice.
What sports does the school offer
Track and field, flag football, cheerleading, volleyball, cross country, Basketball, wrestling,
How to notice red flags and deal with them
red flag: controlling your behavior, super jealous, physical abuse, manipulation, discarding emotions, lack of effort, aggression, gossiping, being a hypocrite, not communicating, lying, cheating, etc
-observe- notice their character
-communication-discuss needs and boundaries
-action- either they do it or you move on