What quirky little filling did Joffrey put in his wedding pie?
What is the Stark sigil?
Which season is the wall burnt down by the Night King?
Season 7
What is the name of Stannis Baratheons daughter?
Princess Shireen
Melisandre insists Stannis follow her Lord. Who is the Lord she follows?
The Lord of Light
What does Roose Bolton wear to the red wedding under his clothes?
What is the Tyrell sigil?
What is the name of the main Castle connected to the wall (Where Jon first goes)?
Castle Black
Who beheaded Ned Stark?
Sir Ilyn Payne
What is the main religion in Game of Thrones?
The Faith of the Seven
How many people overall does Sansa marry?
Two (Tyrion, and Ramsay)
What is the Bolton sigil?
An upside down flayed man
How tall is the Wall?
700 ft tall
What is Lord Varys' nickname?
The Spider
Which Gods do the Starks follow?
The Old Gods
What does Tyrion say to Sansa when she asks to not share his bed?
"And so my watch begins"
What did Stannis change the Baratheon sigil to?
A stag inside a heart.. on fire.
How many castles are connected to the wall?
What is the name of the Tarly family sword that Sam steals?
What religious titles and affiliations do the Dothraki believe in?
The Great Stallion, Night Lands. And if you're really clever: Stallion who mounts the world, Dosh Khaleen
The massacre of the Starks happened at the red wedding. What colour does everyone associate with Joffrey's wedding?
The purple wedding
What is the Martell sigil?
A sun with a spear through it
How many miles does the Wall span across?
300 miles
What is Hodor's real name?
There is one main sacred building where people get married, and bury bodies in a crypt. Cersei eventually blows it up. What is this building called?
The Sept of Baelor