Human Resources
Paperwork & Documentation

What is a pink sheet for?

To indicate you worked for a different provider so that cost centers can be changed.


Who is responsible for restocking exam rooms and when should that be done?

MA  or nurse; on days your provider is out. (Don't forget to check expiration dates!)


You are given FMLA paperwork by a patient in an exam room. Before you begin completing it, you should what?

Take it to the front desk to start the process.


When do multidose vials expire after opening?

28 days from the date the bottle is opened.


Name 3 things that are measured in the quality program.

Can be many things – colonoscopy, mammogram, diabetic eye exam, med adherence, controlling blood pressure, etc.  


If you are calling in or are going to be late, what should you do?

Text more than one manager


Where are the oxygen tanks located?

Shot room and laundry room


What is the purpose of a case?

To document a conversation or actions completely and appropriately.


If you draw up a vaccine, but don’t use it, what should you do?

Send out an Athena message to all clinical staff and your supervisor letting them know there is one in the refrigerator.


If a patient asks “Will this be covered by my insurance?”, what is a good response?

"Unfortunately, we can’t say what is and isn’t covered by your specific plan.  We can tell you most of the time, X is covered, but you’d have to call your insurance to find out for certain."


It’s 4:45 and you are ready to leave. What should you do first?

Ask your supervisor. Don't just leave.


There is a light out in one of your exam rooms. How do you report it?

Fill out a maintenance request and put it on the bulletin board across from Dawn’s office.


Finish this statement: “If it’s not documented, ______.”

If it’s not documented, it didn’t happen.


You are calling on lab results. You have tried many times to reach the patient (and documented), but you are unable. The patient does not use the portal. What should you do?

Mail the results to the patient with the provider’s comments or send a case to your supervisor.


When a patient finishes the PHQ-2 or PHQ-9, what is your responsibility as a nurse / medical assistant?

Result them


On Fridays and other “casual days”, T-shirts should not have any what on them?

Free of writing or images unless it has to do with nursing or a favorite sports team.


You are having computer or phone problems. Who should be notified?

Human Resources (Michelle)


For what type(s) of appointment(s) are depression screenings performed?

CPEs, MWV, anxiety and depression visits


Lab orders should be entered by whom and when?

The nurse or medical assistant at the time the appointment is scheduled.


When an administrator sends an Athena Chat message, what should you do?

Open the Athena Chat, read it and respond if required. This is our primary way of communicating information to you.


Where do you find policies, procedures, and the employee handbook?

N Drive


You go to dispose of your Sharps container, but the box is overflowing. What should you do?

Build a new box and close the old one by taping it shut.


What does ABN stand for and what is its’ purpose?

Advanced Beneficiary Notice; lets patients (Medicare or commercial) know that the service may not be covered by their insurance and that if they want the service, they will owe out of pocket.


When entering a vaccination, what funding source should be entered?

Private Funds


What are the 5 Rights of medication administration?

Right Patient

Right Drug

Right Time

Right Dose

Right Route