Who is Ring Dude
You know who
What is the chemical symbol for Iron?
Does the human body contain plasma?
Yes, (in your blood)
What do 88 and 11 have in common?
They both look the same upside down.
If Mrs. John’s one story house is decorated completely in pink, with the walls, carpet, floor, lamps, kitchen, bed, lamp-post, cat, hamster, dog, shoes and cloak all shades of pink, what color are the stairs?
Zoya's Blog name?
The Daily Life Of A Crazed Math Girl
Is it correct to say "the yolk of eggs is white" or "the yolk of eggs are white"?
Neither, the yolk of eggs are yellow.
What is the highest mountain on Earth? (Although some people think other-wise)
Mount Everest
There are two ducks in front of a duck, two ducks behind a duck and a duck in the middle. How many ducks are there?
Three ducks
A boy named Samyak kicks his soccer ball ten feet, and comes back to him on its own. How is this possible?
He kicked it into the air and and came back smashing his face.
there was a hill
Complete: Blah....
Ted is the father of Sam, but Sam is not the son of Ted. How is that possible?
Sam's a girl
Biggest organ in the human body?
Your skin
If when A is equal to 5 then B is also equal to 5...
A=5, B=5
..Then what do we know about B when A equals 7?
We know nothing
What happens if you throw a white hat into the Black Sea?
The hat gets wet
Who said this?: "The pain of finding the circumcenter"
Is it legal for a man to marry his widow's sister?
No, because he's dead
Over 70% of the Earth has this, What is it?
In a meeting, there are four people. If each person shakes hands with the other, how many handshakes will happen?
A man runs out of his home, yelling, “Help a thief!”. Instead of stopping the thief, his neighbor hands her car keys to the thief. Why?
The man didn’t use a comma.
What is the quote of Jam?
If no one can answer (For 200 points) : Name a character in Harry Potter that starts with N... (Not Neville or Narcissa Malfoy)
"The rule is, jam tomorrow and jam yesterday -but never jam today" ~ Quote of Jam
If you build a fort, drive a Ford, and fill out a form, then what do you eat soup with?
A spoon
What is Yellowstone National Park?
A active, super-volcano
How many times can you subtract the number 10 from the number 100?
One time, because when you subtract, it is no longer 100.
A man went outside in the pouring rain without an umbrella. Not a single hair on his head got wet. How is this possible?
He’s bald.