A certain cell that provides energy for movement and reactions.
Otherwise recognised as: The Powerhouse Of The Cell.



Solve 2x + 0 = 9

Bonus (+10): If you can show the steps

x = 9/2 or x = 4.5

Name the colours on the Malaysian flag.

Red, blue, white and yellow

When was ROBLOX released to the public?



What food is sweet, has a black exterior with a white interior? It is usually a combo with milk. 



Which emergency aid is commonly used to save someone who is choking?

BONUS (+100 POINTS): If you can spell it with no mistakes.

The Heimlich Maneuver/Manoeuvre
(no idea why there's two spellings)


What is the term used to describe numbers that are only divisible by itself and 1?

Prime numbers


When did Malaysia gain its independence?



A game that was made back in 2015, and is mainly about shooting with multiple gamemodes such as competitive, pistol mode and standard for the maximum fun.
What is it?



What ingredients does a typical pizza with no toppings consists of?

Cheese and tomato.


What is the chemical reaction where a liquid becomes gas?



A picture-frame that is square shaped measuring 9x9 is used for family photos. These family photos are in rectangular shapes, but are in different lengths. One of the family photos is measured to be a 3x2, how much area of the picture frame are still unused if that picture is put up? Use cm to express your answer. 

81 - 6 = 75

75 cm


Malaysia has multiple races, name 3 other races except for the main ones that are always advertised:
Chinese, Indian, Malay

Iban, Kadazan and Peranakan or any other... 


What is the maximum amount of friends you can have on ROBLOX now? What was the original limit before it was changed?

(must answer both questions to get the points)

200, infinite.


Which nutrient is responsible for tissue regeneration and promotes better immune systems?


A ball is dropped from 50m until it reaches 0m. Estimate the time it takes to land on ground.
(Assume the ball is 10g, and no wind is present.
Give your answer in seconds.)

BONUS (+200 POINTS): What is the term used to define this situation? (pls dont list the Newton's Law)

3 - 5 seconds.

Free Fall.


If 2x = 6, then x = 3
This is a true statement, make it false.

most creative gets the point.

e.g. If x = 3, then 2x = 23


Malaysia is also known for its tourism and unique attractions, list 4 natural attractions meaning that the main attraction is something formed by nature.

Cameron Highlands, Batu Caves, Mount Kinabalu, Redang and etc....


What is the maximum value of R$ you can buy off the Robux store currently? How much does it cost in RM?
Additionally, what is the maximum value in RM of a gift card can you buy in a 7/11 in Malaysia?

22,500R$ ; ~RM949.50
RM 125


Rate these food from least sweet to most sweet in left to right order.

Lollipop, French Fries, Plain Donut and Vanilla Cake

French Fries, Plain Donut, Vanilla Cake and Lollipop


Alisha's house is located in the north, she wants to travel to her school which is towards 30m east. Then, after she wants to go to the store which is located 15m west of the school. Now, she has a decision of whether to go back home through the route she took, or stop by the petrol station which is 20m south of the store and an additional 20m northwards back to her house.

Which route should she take? How much is the total distance traveled by her? Are the units stated Scalar or Vector quantity?

The route she would take is the petrol station route.
With a total of 75m distance travelled.
A Vector quantity as it defines direction.


x2 = 144
y3 = 512

Find the values of x and y here, the values will be called x1 and y1.

3x - y = 5
6x - 3y = 3

Find the values of x and y here, the values will now be x2 and y2.

Using the values you have gotten, please solve this:
(2x1)+ 5x2y1 - [(8x1)3 x y2

x= 12 ; y1 = 8
x= 4 ; y2 = 7

complicated equation = - 6192416


Recite the whole negaraku song without looking at lyrics or hearing the instrumentals.

Tanah tumpahnya darahku,
Rakyat hidup bersatu dan maju,
Rahmat bahagia Tuhan kurniakan,
Raja kita selamat bertakhta,
Rahmat bahagia Tuhan kurniakan.
Raja kita selamat bertakhta


List 5 OG ROBLOX players you know.
OG ROBLOX players are people that joined before 2010.

builderman, ROBLOX, stickmasterluke, dued1, callmehbob


It seems your soup is too salty, what ingredient should you add to make it less salty? Your soup can have toppings. Also, what would you add to make the soup more spicy?

any ingredient is acceptable