What Is one thing that is need to be considered a slot one unit
What is Dodge,Def.,etc.
What does EZA stand for
Extreme Z awakening
How many Stones to summon
what is 50
Who created dokkan
Who Is Omatsu
Who created legends
Who is Toshi
What are all the types
How many levels to fully awaken a TUR
What is 30
How many coin types are there
What is 3
What is the max player level
What is 999
How much CC for a full rotation on a fresh banner
What is 3200
The section of the card that hold all the units ability's
What is the passive
How many to fully awaken a LR
What is 10
How many Stones for pity on the new unit
What is 2,500
What series colabs every year with dokkan
What is DBH
What determines a unit as a leader
What is there leader skill/Z ability
Who was the first super EZA
Who is AGL SSJ dragon fist
What is the max Level of all EZAs
What is 999
What is the one thing global has over jp for now
What is tickets
When did dokkan come out (JP)
When is Jan. 30th 2015
What is the CC glitch
What is buying CC or Playing Story
What is the tag has the least amount of units
What is DB
What is by release
What kind of unit comes from each coin
What is Red Festival, Cyan Carnival, Blue one off banner or kioshin
Who is the producer of dokkan
Who is koto
When did toshi leave
When is Ani.