stage that is a pokemon city
Saffron city
who created FLUDD
Elvin Gadd
who is the first member of the cobra unit defeated by big boss
the pain
what year does the game take place in
what year was the game released
min number of shines needed to enter corona mt.
what year was the boss born
who is spehirohs mother
who is the shooter
Phil Cassidy
Double Jeopardy
who do you fight in stage 8 of classic mode
three types of nozzles
hover, rocket, turbo
which two metal gears were on Granins desk in one of the cutscenes
who are the two optional characters
Yuffie and Vincent
how much money is needed to buy he malibu club
total number of sales for the game (+ or - 0.5 mil.)
2.93 million
name of shine 8 in gelato beach
the watermelon festival
what is Evas name when she is spying on the Russians
what disease does cloud suffer from during disc 2
Mako poisoning
name of the made up Scottish rock band
Love Fist
criteria for unlocking captain falcon
beat classic mode under 20 mins, no continues
how many blue coins can you find in episode 8 of bianco hills
what date does the virtuous mission take place
August 24, 1964
what item does aeris posses that sephiroth steals
black materia
How many properties are needed to be completed before triggering the mission cap the collector