What is purple rarity and will shoot you up and let you redeploy your glider?
Launch pad.
What is the full name of rainbow called?
Rainbow Six Seige.
What is the Walmart singing kids nickname.
Yodeling kid.
What was the name of the CSGO
Counter Strike Global Offense.
Who is number 11 on the Yankees right now?
What was added in season 2 or 3 that is gold rarity and lets you hide in the environment?
What is one operator south of recruit on offense?
Who is the youngest faze member right now?
FaZe Highskys
What is the first zombies map in black ops 1?
Kino Der Toten.
What is the MLB team that is not located in the United States of America.
Toronto Blue Jays.
What is the girl version of the skull trooper called?
Skull Ranger.
What is one operator south of recruit on defending?
Who is in TSM that plays with his keyboard on his lap?
What is the battle royal called in Call of Duty Black Ops 4?
Black Out.
What number was Mark Teshara on the Yankees?
What is a controller setting but not a pc setting?
Aim Assist.
What is the forth operation?
Red Crow.
What clan did symphony join?
What is Alcatraz island called in zombies black ops 2
Mob of the Dead
What was the number of Robinson Cano on the Yankees?
What is that girl robber skin called?
How long can one round be in any game mode?
What is the Youtuber that is in faze and has a name of something that you walk on?
FaZe Rug
What is a light blue material in minecraft?
Who won the World Series of baseball in 2018?
Boston Red Sox.